I am an American who wants to get out of this clown country and move to Russia...

I am an American who wants to get out of this clown country and move to Russia. But I don't know how generous Russian welfare benefits are. I don't want to work, but how easy is it to live off of welfare in Russia? What kind of welfare do they have available?

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If you don't have legs, you can get $350 a month

>I am an American
You'll never be an American.

those are all cia state assets

>I don't want to work

>nazbol memeflag wants to move to Russia (literally nigeria) just so he can live on welfare
what kind of nu male are you, OP?

Not reading that shit but based nazbol qt
Absorbing the retard lefties is how we win, unironically

You may live on some pension, i.e. for disability, like this But you also need own apartment or a house, because pension is not enough to rent.

the utopia of Venezuela is right nearby - or you can start a commune right now just make shares and hand them out like a corporation does - fucking retards everyone of them - stop humoring them or "smash a communist"

>how generous Russian welfare benefits are

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Leave you cock sucking bolshekike

I can only hope for your imminent demise. Russia won't gain anything by having you.

I am a French who wants to immigrate to Russia. How hard will it be to find work? I’m A lawyer. Will I find a gf over there? Preferably one who is into anime and has black hair, doesn’t shave her crotch. Also I don’t speak Russian.

This nigga got a can of beans and some vegetable oil lmao

lmao retarded mutt kys

>welfare in Russia

There is niet welfare in Russia

hey at least he got something

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>I’m A lawyer
>I don’t speak Russian
>How hard will it be to find work?
Is it hard to figure out for yourself, if in Russia we're speaking Russian language and having Russian legislation?

Maybe you should visit Russia first so you can be a little less naive.

only for retarded

Please go

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Russia has enough pensioners, what they need is more skilled workers who are leaving in droves because the west pays better.

you're in luck!

you posted a image attempting to disprove the claim the soldier got basically nothing in return retard

i know, autist

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How are you planning on getting a visa in the first place if you aren't going to work? You can't just come to a country whenever you feel like it.
Also, there are no benefits for non-citizens at all, regardless of how many legs you have.
Go be a leeching nigger someplace else.

Russia is a Socialist country and has far more welfare than the west