Does this have a deeper meaning

Does this have a deeper meaning

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It means he fucked up last week by accidentaly admitting the truth and he will be dealt with accordingly.

I no longer care. If (((they))) declare a group as an enemy, I automatically assume the opposite and will side with that group. Ever since I've been alive (48 years), I keep seeing this over and over and over. Sometimes it's years later, but it's happened enough that I don't trust anything (((they))) say.

What did he admit? I must have missed something.

what did he say?

based i wish he got shot.

means hanged in gitmo.

Big if true

ISIS is a boogeyman, user. They're more like a media corporation and a university than a terrorist group. They're literally Mossad. They're not your friends.

>porridge push

Attached: e35gd.png (256x256, 84.5K)

This, why would goat herders on the other side of the planet want to be occupied again?

very nice

idk what does realrawnews have to say about this

admit to us biolabs in ukraine

he said something along the line of the unjust hostile invasion of iraq (then he realized and said "sorry im old its actually ukraine")

he had a freudian slip while talking against russia, saying they had no right to go into iraq to look for wmd

It would be cool if they did and we had to invade Afghanistan again as punishment

It just demonstrates how butthurt these mudslimes can be about something that happened 20 years ago.
Holy cow, what kind of butthurt is this?
"Urka-durka, I will avenge my great-grandfather and the goats he lost to the infidel Hellfire Missile!!"
My fucking sides.
Bonus points to the glowniggers who caught the terror-fag. Feels better earning your pay chasing actual fuckwads instead of grandpa and his red hat around the Capitol, eh?

Fucking fpbp

it’s always a memeflag fag that posts this kind of crap,

The last thing this piece of shit deserves is to die as a martyr.

He admitted us biolabs in ukraine thought he was on zoom with zelinsky when russians pranked him


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I think he died long ago he's just too stupid to realize it...

I remember, when I was 17, I looked at the sky and I saw some kind of angel. I don't know if it's real angel but in that moment I heared something. I couldn't understand what that angel said, but it was something like:"go to the bathroom". When I gone to bathroom, I realized one thing. I had shit in my underwear. What the fuck happened then ???


wish a nigga would

he deserves a qadafi death, him and obama and that cunt hillary

Hey FrenchFuck, go fuck yourself. This is 'Merica, jack. You French faggots may let all them arabs into your country to fuck your hairy-armpit women, but we don't take to no sand niggers messing with any of our Presidents.

lmao literally this.
im not surprised they made sure people werent talking about that fuckup for too long lmaaaoooo

>glowies catching fucking anything
they were probably grooming him smoothbrain

Are you butthurt that we blew up one of your great-granfathers goats too?
Don't want your goats blown up? Then don't let them outside - keep them in your beds where they're used to being all the time.

>CIA plotting to assassinate an ex-president to justify a distraction war

they're about 21 years too late

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yeah, Obama trying to get his allies to bump off w for some reason. probably has information that will lead to killory's arrest

it's so when you serach george bush his video with the russian trolls doenst come up, this comes up instead

Attached: dubya.png (1046x688, 196.31K)

Low IQ take. You consumed too much media with niggers, huh?
The implication is that they can use this retards assassination as a pre-text to invade another country. Got it?

Are you actually standing up for these fucking monsters? The fuck kind of weird troll is this?

Lexus and Vovan literally give him death sentence

is that ai generated?

Two fuckups: Saying "Iraq" instead of "Ukraine," and then revealing top secret info to those Russian callers.

He still admitted Iraq was unjust though cause he immediately said "Iraq too" right after
Then everyone in the room laughed

Attached: bush dodge shoe.gif (374x294, 2.44M)

eat a dick you didn’t do shit

isis doesn't even exist
trump shut down the CIA operation and it instantly wasn't a thing
biden comes in and it's back
they even made up some new variant of isis that i can't even remember out of their ass that all the libs fell in lock step that it was always a thing
something like isis k

>ISIS is a boogeyman
the tern is enemy du jour, but the sketchy part is this enemy has no nation state to attack,

I am standing up for a United States President.
I don't give a fuq about his politics or if he bombed the shit out of some asshole shit country run by some douchebag that should have admitted he didn't have WMD so he didn't get invaded.
Right or wrong, this is 'Merica, jack. We do not tolerate any foreign fuckers coming here to hurt ANY American.
You self-hating faggots are just faggots. You're probably still butthurt about Truman nuking the Japs because "hurr durr, he could have just warned them!!!"
Fuck THAT. You fuck with the USA, then you are going to get fucked with back. Period.
No troll, no larp. Just facts.
Stop being a faggot and support your country, you filthy homosexual.

see the video at jimstone of this turd being punked by a fake zelensky conversation.

That whole administration deserves to be sent in chains to the middle east to receive any sort of punishment the Iraqi and Afghani people would like to mete out.

>imagine pretending the CIA didn't create ISIS