What's the point of school when young people are this fucking stupid?


>Do you know when the US was founded?
>Probably like, I don't know, like, 1901?

>What's the capital of the United States?
>Harrisburg? Oh, is there a capital in the US?

>Do you know what 3x3x3 is?
>No. Can I think about it?

>How many make up one dozen?
>How many eggs are in one dozen?

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not knowing trivia

>12 years of required schooling
>Can't multiply 3x3x3 without a calculator

the average person on the street is fuckin brain dead

zoomers are literally retarded. mentally retarded.

Nigger detected

Modern education doesn't help these people lol. I had to practically unlearn all of the shit I was taught in school.

notice not a single one of them is a white male. NUKE this fucking place to ash.


paid actors. theres no way people dont know how to go 3, 9, 27. saged

Imagine thinking that knowing kindergarten math and when your country was founded is trivia. No wonder your country is dying

what's worse is the conservatives who watch this shit will go "man, this country is in real trouble. young people are retarded" and not realize that all of them are 80 iq spic mongrels, poos, niggers, and brainwashed white roasties

>that necklace

I'll take You're a Stupid Nigger for $500 Alex

I refuse to believe this is real, for sure they're actors. No one is that stupid.

retard alert retard alert

op get a fucking clue

if people get educated about faggots and trannies in school.......

how will they know anything else???

You are the retard

>country is dying
you live in a european hell hole
hilarious chang

how many states make up *these United States.

I dont doubt it for a second. I determined that most people are clueless fucking idiots decades ago. Do you think she puts effort into anything other than fucking?

wut lol

oh nonononono the absolute state of america

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If i am wrong I blame common core

I take back my previous statement.
Americans are actually mentally retarded.

>common core
no excuse, 3x3=3+3+3=6+3=3+6=9. no matter how you look at it, its 9

I might live in an "European hell hole" but at least I'm not a dumb nigger

School is stupid because of the people that go there. My kids aren’t going to school

Go suck a syrup hose, you Mountie fuck

American here, I can confirm, I am retarded.

You think the whole NPC thing is a meme? Most people have no higher consciousness other than what mass media programs into them.

the dozen one is hard to understand. I can see the foreigners not knowing naything about the US

n-no you...

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The real question no is why that weirdo Indian was walking around town in god damn graduation attire. Is this how they think you dress to look smart?

washington, dakota, south vs north, 1776, 12..
maybe i just watched too much american tv and read too much growing up this is pretty bare minimum stuff. not that it makes me any better this knowledge is pretty useless
zoomers just have whatever's on demand on their own choice.

LMFAO I swear to god, my 7 year old got this answer correct and you didn't. Holy shit. You're not white.

How can this possibly not be the LEAD thread on pol/

Its beyond beyond good


It's 3^3, which is 3x3x3, or 3x3=3(3x1)=9x1, 3(9x1)=3(3x3x1)=9x9x1=81

Pretty simple when you break it down.

haha what

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