Why here in USA we have armed security at supermarket?

This is a very strange thing I have noticed. It is normal part of the life here in United State to see armed security in super market and in other stores. I know this is because of many violent in our country like these mass shooting and other bad guys but it is normal part of life and I did not notice it.
But I was looking at store in other countries, just for random example, in China, and they do not have armed security in any stores! And it is fine, no massive killing or crazy stuff at all.
What is going on with our land? Why are we having to get armed man with weapons in stores? I have also notice that a lot of our stores have a bag check where you leave your bag to go to the shop but this is unusual around world.
Whats going on and why is our culture in a troubling state?

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Because americans have a serious problem with guns

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nice vpn

Gun have legs and shoot on its own, you faggot?

Show your slanted eyes, Chang.

To be honest I'd rather die by a gunshot than be mauled to death by pitbulls.

>in China, and they do not have armed security in any stores
china doesn't have stores

Only in sufficiently black areas, user.

remember the nigger lootings? pepperidge farms does

>Why here in USA we have armed security at supermarket?

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QRD: it's the only way to make 90% of niggers pay, if not then 0% would pay

bro they have fucking entire aisles behind plastic doors because of theft


>Gun have legs and shoot on its own
Incels do

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Our education here at home in the USA also need a lot of help. Many people like this one think only USA has civilization when we are falling behinds!

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Why plp just start think this guy because his pic has somechinese. 你董着句画吗

I went to china in 2018 and I saw armed people everywhere. Airports had multiple 3-man teams wandering with rifles and shotguns. I saw 2 cops on a street corner with shotguns, just chillin'. At all the big tourist areas there were armed men. Coming from a peaceful city in Australia where we have armed police, but only with handguns typically unless there are doing something specific, it was a major culture shock. I've not traveled a huge amount in airports in Australia so maybe we have guys with rifles and shotguns, but I've never noticed them.

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In blue states with strict gun laws, most security do not own guns. The only exception is the security was a cop and got special exceptions to carry by a judge.

What a fucking troon

good should be something implemented worldwide
you dont have to shop in my store if you fear my private army of authority junkies but hey if u arent a thieves guild nigger then dont worry bout em

Because niggers steal.

Then how is it a gun problem?

>It is normal part of the life here in United State to see armed security in super market and in other stores
Only if you live near the ghettos. Stores in the ghetto can't afford armed security, stores far away from the ghettos don't need it, and only stores close to the ghettos both need and can afford the rent-a-cops.

because his english sucks faggot

Cops are everywhere in China, what the fuck are you talking about?

>Why here in USA we have
show real flag, ESLnigger

Because an incel with only a knife is either too much of a pussy to do anything or will get one or maybe two people at most. An incel with an assault rifle feels way too confident and can shoot a whole bunch of people from a distance. Guns make potential killers feel and be more powerful.

Payton Gendron wouldn't have been able to stab 10 people to death in a supermarket, he would've been immediately overpowered.

Dont touch those Marie Callender's, nigga.

no items need to be replenished and there are no people in the picture. so its clearly been churched up to 'prove' they have civilization, so these stores only exist in urban environments.
the difference here is that you can go to the most bum fuck part of the united states, or the most ghetto part of the united states, and you will find stores like this no matter what.

Why cant this pretend? Like he nearly show all the sign for u to say he is Chinese. But in my eyes he just a man hate black.

If your society is so fucked that you produce armies of young men with nothing to lose who go on murderous rampages, your problem is not their ability to arm themselves. And if you moronically choose to ignore the real problem then you get what you fucking deserve, coward.

There is a lot of cash at a typical supermarket , plus loads of scratch off lotto tickets and cigarettes . I was at a Frischs on a Monday and saw the armored guard take out around $25,000 in cash to go to the bank from the weekends sales, so they are targets for heist crews

>file name: scribble shit
ok chang enjoy your black immigrants

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>just for random example in china
Say something bad about Xi, I dare you

chikity china the chinese chicken, Xiaolin

>defends people who walk heavily armed into supermarkets and shoot innocent unarmed civilians buying groceries for their families out of hatred
>calling anyone else a coward
You're a degenerate

This isn't a normal thing. It's only in monkeytowns. Saged.

i don’t understand why you whites hate black people so much?

Niggers arent people user. Simple as.

I ams real American. KYS Bugman

Because white men haven't been taught how to handle their feelings and instead have been told that violence is the solution to their problems. Mix this culture with a lack of mental health awareness and a general lack of education and voila, you need armed guards at the super market to (hopefully) prevent the next White Male Incel Attack

The grocery store where I go uses uniformed off duty police

are those glasses photoshopped onto kyle?

More people get stabbed than shot

The guns are there to protect the large quantity of cash they keep on hand. In reality mist stores also have armed, uniformed police working behind the scenes as well. You just never see them. Europe is much the same. In the mid-east every store has an armed guard, no matter how small. Try shoplifting in Isreal. You might like it.

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no, i think every human should be treated equally. Your whites are just evil