What are the political implications of the estimated 6,000,000 cigarette butts left on the ground each day...

What are the political implications of the estimated 6,000,000 cigarette butts left on the ground each day? Littering should be a felony

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Not my problem

i hate Geringverdiener and so i make their life a little more miserable, therefore based

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>muh 6 gorillion

smokers should pay an additional $3 litter tax per pack.

it creates jobs fgt.
wha? you against post-covid recovery?

Its biodegradable cuck

Low class people smoke and low class people litter. They should be culled.

You know there is a reason why the world works in a way where there is a few winners and a whole lot of suckers and if you're wilfully a sucker, if you really want to grow up to become a sucker then I can't help you

>Littering should be a felony
It should be punishable by death.
We can start with the people who leave trannies running around polluting the streets.

blame the Indian reservations

All in favor of making posting from Canada a felony say Ay!

>it's biodegradable bro!
so is a lot of other trash, so let's just throw paper packaging everywhere? so is feces, so let's just shit on the streets?

We should not give more power to feds.
I do, however, support vigilante squads to combat litterers.

I'm outraged by this insignificant localized issue!
Meanwhile in India...

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How much does it bother you other than aesthetically, retard? If this is your pedestal, no wonder the world is in disarray.
Kindly, have a wonderful life.

Agreed. Kill all litterers and shopping cart abandoners and you’ll be amazed how quickly society returns to normality

If you can't make the lowest amount of effort to not turn everywhere you go into a garbage dump, you do not belong in society.

Cool it with the racism bro

I don't smoke cigarettes anymore, but when I did I made sure I always littered the butts on man-made material because "I'm already littering on litter."
Is that responsible?

I always threw my cigarette butts at homeless people. One man's trash is another man's treasure, right?

If you exist in a society you're constantly littering. Even your trash you responsibly throw away finds its way into everything. Its beyond your intervention. I don't litter trash but cigarette butts are least of concern. Daddy Chill


Never happened, they deserved it

I'm low key alright with death penalty or permanent gulag for throwing those around and also with putting shoes on seats on light rail trains.
China's social credit score for tracking those things seems like a great idea, and with every day I see people outside and in public I like it a little bit more.

When I can't find an ashtray I do my best to extinguish my smoke and throw in a trashcan. Sometimes the trashcans catch on fire though kek.

sea turtles trying to smoke that last hit?

>omg I'm so triggered
>this has to be the next thing

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I enjoy some coffee cake every once in a while. I wonder if you collect enough cigarette butts, could you distill the butts to extract leftover nicotine and craft a nicotine cake. Just spitballing some ideas here.

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