Gay pipo dey more at risk?

Attached: pidgin.jpg (838x926, 93.18K)

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How is "colored" a career-ending slur, but "gay pipo" is perfectly acceptable? Kek.


Put me in the screen cap


Just another day in clown world, honk honk

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>comment on a tangentially related topic
>LOL, THAT went over ur head xD
You're not nearly as smart as you think you are, faggot.


>it's real

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Monkeypox: niggaz dey mo at risk den wypipo be cuz dey be monkey niggaz?

Someone got paid to write this..

Next april fools Any Forums should translate all posts to pidgin

>Its real

Holy shit. It didnt had to end like this Bongs


I second that

Yeah that fellow is offensively reddit

Fuckin hell lmao

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I always vision Jar Jar when reading these stupid things.

BBC Pidgin is an underrated resource.

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why would the term "gay people" be offensive?

You were an empire once. Now you pay people to translate the queen's english into this, and everyone has to smile and nod and pretend it's legit, or else dey raciss

eatin dey poopoo

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I prefer it to ebonics

Who are you quoting?

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>they eat the poo poo

that's debunked, it's been proven that if you have violent anal sex with 20+ dudes in a single night you are likely to catch it, doesn't matter if you are gay or straight

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also, is 15 days of not having violent anal sex with multiples dudes and monkeys to flatten the curve too much to ask?

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My taxes pay for this

They aren't really people. Unless it's some white dude who painstakingly learned journalistic convention in Pidgin, lol.

BBC hires Nigerian writers now apparently

Imagine paying taxes in this day and age.

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Such a beautiful and elegant language.

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Pidgin has to be one of the most shining examples of the soft bigotry of low expectations I've ever seen. The fact that it exists for the sole unspoken reason that the people who use it are apparently not smart enough to use real english, so we have to give them this bastardized version of it, is remarkable.

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>don raise concerns
my sides


gay pipo day more at risk?