What made Jews so smart?

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Jews? Smart? Smart people dont repeat the same mistakes 109 times..

superior genes and evolution

>literally altering image to fit a story

scapegoating from less successful people are often repeated

Each time they came back smarter & powerful.

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They genocided the smarter people such as the Aryans

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It's clear as day you can easily connect the dots.


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They actually read their holy books and as a group self fulfill the prophecies in them, instead of larping about their personal relationship with a fake god that never existed and will never come to save them.

they're not, they've completely fucked everything they touch

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This. Kikes are the leading cause of misery, genocide, national collapse and civilizational implosion in the world throughout time. There is no known entity more heinously destructive on the planet.

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Tribal nepotism is no indication of intelligence in general, although it is a "smart" move.

You should be asking why whites were so easily duped into NOT participating in racial nepotism. There are even laws against it that are only applied to whites, while other tribes and races are allowed to engage in it.

In this fashion, every white child is born hobbled, while everyone else can support their own without legal repercussion.

The white man assumes all other peoples are capable of honour and virtue. This is our downfall. It's why we give so many human rights to women, jews and blacks. It is natural for us to assume that they are like us, because they are also "human".

What makes you think they're smart? Having a lot of money doesn't make you more intelligent.

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Lmao these "mistakes" are what gives them their power.
Calling them parasites is more than just an empty insult.

You filthy useless dumb mutt. No other race contributed more to humanity per capita than Jews. You're butthurt about Jews because they use their influence in the media (Google, Youtube, Facebook - The top 3 largest websites in the world owned by Jews) to promote liberal ideas like diversity etc.. Well tough luck faggot. High IQ people tend to be liberals. Jordan peterson talked about this.

You can't outsmart them. That's why losers like you come to /pol to whine about them.

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This is what delusional kikes believe and no one else, in reality, the kikes are nothing more than tools of free masons who are using you because they want the third temple to be built because they believe that they will defeat Christ in the Second coming and rule over God's creation as men
