Why would they kill their own compliant supporters...

Why would they kill their own compliant supporters? The covid vax was OBVIOUSLY FOR SMALLPOX which theyre about to release to kill the unvaccinated.

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Still not taking it

>Why would they kill their own compliant supporters?
bc theyre the shittest of shit.
and since these faggots jumped on the vax, their death is not even on the management. lmao

natural selection is bacccc, baby!

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>They would never scam the gullible
They don't care if their cashcows die. Those idiots have money, they want money, they take the money from the idiots. They're not particularly concerned about the retards surviving, because they understand one thing very well; there's always another idiot waiting.

It's called a SACRIFICE.
They don't care who's dumb enough to agree to jump into the vulcano, only that some/most do.
>inb4 why not just release an actual bioweapon
Consent is unironically important.

i dont think its as much a matter of consent as the fact you cant control a biological agent.
the management's cooks, cleaners, drivers, security are all plebs.
and they wouldnt want to get infected with some dangerous disease.

the vax is for the S1 spike protein which is too unstable a vaccination target for lasting anitbodies to form. poor vaxxies. they got to keep catching covid until they catch covid unvaxxed. which is exactly what 'they' want--your immune system is unregulated by the FDA and therefore must be converted into a subscription service (rent seeking).

>Why would they kill their own compliant supporters?
I dunno, maybe it's because they rolled up their sleeves?
it's just the path of least resistance my dude.
>The covid vax was OBVIOUSLY FOR SMALLPOX which they're about to release to kill the unvaccinated
Brainlet take. Good luck with that.

based summary.

>They won't kill me, I'm a good little lapdog!
The amount of times this gay cope has been posted is embarrassing.

continued health as a subscription service.
those disgusting pukes!

It was an evolutionary test. Anyone who complied proved that they are sheep and not H. sapiens.

Most people are NPC’s who just repeat whatever inane nonsense they heard from either their group or whatever institution in power said. Thats why Jews are still around, its not because they’re some sort of 250 IQ grand wizards, its because most people are statistically as dumb as a brick and fall for the same bullshit over and over again. The “average” IQ is 100 for Christs sake, and while that may not be the be all end all of measuring intellect that also means there’s millions upon millions of people here who literally have trouble grasping middle school level literature and can’t actually *think*, and goddamn has the last two years been nothing but proof of it. I know it sounds edgy as all fuck but how much longer can we ignore the giant elephant in the room?

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The longest running cope.

I'm sorry you were dumb enough to take it

As history has shown useful idiots are always the first to die

Why would they kill me I licked the boot, watch tranime, make gay threads. That just wouldn't make sense to ME

They're serial killers. The plan is to just keep killing everyone they can.

I dunno about any of that, but I do know that this girl is tons better than that double whore in OPs picture

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They have zero respect for those who blindly follow their orders. They view them as property instead of real people.

if they can, they will once the vaxxoids usefulness runs out. never serve those who show they reward loyalty with treachery. we should help those who were 'fool me once' into suing their employers into bankruptcy with vax reparations for coercing it onto them before the scotus ruling. if the vax makers can't be sued, then employers who forced it can be.

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Because those people are traders against humanity and need to be dealt with before the aliens come