Hey America

Thanks for the $40,000,000,000 LMAO

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Actually it's $54 billion now.


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Imagine giving away your taxpayer money to jews, without any counterpart while you're running short of oil and baby formula and there's 40M people living on food stamps.
Worst cucks ever.

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almost as much as Operation Warp Speed

Protip; most of it will be squandered by those with upper positions in government and military, only a portion of it will make it to the end of the line. In case you don't know, Ukraine is extremely corrupt, and blatantly open about it

Did Rand Paul ever get that oversight committee ?

How did they let this happen?

150million of it has already been laundered through that car auction in germany where all the bidders are private and unknown as well as the buyer lmao

Actually those monet wilk be spend before they come to Ukraine

No, they threatened his family.

and about 1% will go to ukraine :) its a PR stunt

40 billion in bombs and missiles that get used on our enemies is not the same as 40 billion in cash

Don't they spend that money on weapons made in the US? or is it the value of the weapons they're getting?

hush money for US's weapon industry, Ukraine is one big experimentation field for them now.

its actually worse because its going to go to the military-industrial complex who will use the profits to push faggotry and judaism on us

Happy flashing that 666

Be even funnier if Zelensky and Putin made a video counting all that dough

Why do you comment on any of this leaf? You know if you were to get invaded you'd be begging for our troops to save your tranny self. You wouldn't even ask for money cause none of can fight, at all. Itd be just us doing the heavy lifting.

You're welcome

>ayy LMAO!

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