Has anybody else noticed how deteriorated boomers minds have become in the last decade...

Has anybody else noticed how deteriorated boomers minds have become in the last decade. Like they have always been stupid as shit because they never had internet but even more now do they ignore readily available information and double down on their bullshit even if it makes them look utterly retarded. Ive even noticed that it gets so bad that they literally have psychotic breaks and end up in jail for silly shit.

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Yep. They are sorted financially and detachment from material reality = psychosis. Plus aging, but they bribe the left to keep them in power so we will probably all be dead quite soon.

Sorry OP, first day?

DARVO served the boomers very well during their prime time years because they had supplementary nanotech to self-limit their behaviors, when they were out of line.
The brain atrophies and memory loss forces the brain to consolidate the entire brain's contents into a smaller area due to a shrinking CPU layer which means the first thing to go is the secondary introspection layer. All that's left is the "gotta get what's mine at all costs" layer, which makes them the most excruciatingly insufferable twats with a lot of money, ever to have stepped on God's forsaken earth.

My mother discovered Google News on her phone and reads it out loud like a newscaster for the whole family whenever she is bored.

Attached: 91e.jpg (306x306, 23K)

Nah, just lots of observations from my close friends and family. My brothers father in law has been friendly and really helpful with my job situation and he lost it a month ago and smashed his gf in the face and broke a shit ton of stuff in her apartment. Spend a night in jail and now is pissy as fuck all the time and just doesnt talk about logical things anymore.

My old father has become a facebook politic shitposter, he always try to be funny but this shit never makes sense, boomers are dying without honor.

My aunt does this, i dont use facebook anymore partly because of it.

That sucks sorry. If I'd been in this world 60 years I'd be fucking mental too, and a quite frequently already. It's unlikely to be who he really is. He may well be ill, we only catch illness when it's too late and there's a tumour or something often, but the worst of the disease has often already transpired.

My dad hotboxed in his apartment with tobacco and marijuana for a week straight, right before Christmas and then stole an 18 wheeler semi. Needless to say, I agree with you OP.

You know how in movies and in art, people who have: "lost their souls" are rendered in story form as people with "black light-sucking eyes"?

It's everywhere you look, where a person opens their eyes wide, and the whites of their eyes are still there, but you see something you've never seen before, it's strikingly darker than you last remember it. The twinkle is gone, it's like the middle of their eye gives you the feeling like you're looking at a black carbon paper. It makes you do a doubletake.

That artistic licence is from a real thing and when you see it, you'll remember this post. When people lose their marbles and their brain is consolidating the former size onto a much smaller size, something causes the eyes to look like this darkness.

The roundness is preserved. The whites of the eyes are still there, but it's just this chill-inducing darkness coming out of it that reminds of you of all the movies depicting such things.

Your first thought it: "I thought that was just artistic license. The dark eyes thing appears to be a variant of the "crazy eyes" which operates on a different principle. Wide open eyes, not dark, but crazy in a way that you can only know if you've seen it. It's nanotech from 9 to 900 million years ago. When a brain implodes and is on its last legs, the eyes broadcast this as a feeling of darkness.

They saw this back in biblical times as "light of the eyes".


>last decade
So people in the 70s?
Youngest (((boomer))) has to be nearly 60 now. I suppose everyone deteriorates as the approach their death. Get used to it as it will happen to you

>Boomers eat mcdonalds every day for 20 years
>Boomers huffed leaded gas fumes for a majority of their lives

You thought their minds would not deteriorate?

Yeah. I had to move back in with my parents a few months ago. They started smoking weed and drinking liquor everyday at some point while I was gone and now by 1pm everyday they're fucked up. My mom got a D.U.I. a week ago.

This reads like a prophetic bedtime story fren. Thanks.

Weed was the boomer vice they all pretended didn't exist then the government legalized it for all to see.

as an autist who never makes eye contact this sounds like some gay nonsense
>durrr your eyes make my feefees hurt

>Like they have always been stupid as shit because they never had internet
Thinks humans have got smarter since the internet.

The Boomers were a generation of flaming sociopaths. And now we're dealing with that generation of flaming sociopaths that are losing their supplementary introspection layer so they're deteriorating into flaming sociopaths with no filter on their mouths or actions.

Won't be long until we're all commiserating how we have to go back and have the nursing home conversation because they can't cook or clean or make it to the bathroom on time.

But they're still clinging to life like a superhero, walking in a house with shit stacking up everywhere and hurling abuse at you that you're the one responsible for their fate.

I know. They always talk about how younger generations are too drugged up but the drug culture was theirs. Fucking hippies.

Its bullshit, i know they are older and didnt have much in terms to accelerate their knowledge but the internet and shit has been around for decades now. Mental illness is one thing, not wanting to read factual evidence and stepping into reality seems like something an edgy teenager does, not a fucking 57 year old mechanic.

kek based up-to-date news mom

>and double down on their bullshit even if it makes them look utterly retarded.
i have a friend who is around 45, I told him that globalism is finished the day apple chose to discontinue production in China, he argued that is not true, because they will find another asian country capable of developing all that electronics that come to the west, may be japan, vietnam, south corea, etc.
you actually cant talk to this people, they live in fantasy land and have uncorrectable cognitivi dissonance.

Boomers are sociopaths and they don't age like drowning pitbulls. You're tempted to reach down and pull them out, but that's a bad idea, they're going to bite you and pull you down like an alligator and hurl abuse at you the entire time.

So you gotta keep an exit strategy at the ready at all times so they can return to their happy spot without too much effort.

My dad died today, give your parents a break

What about giving other people a break, maybe their own children and siblings? I mean dude yeah im not un aware that being older sucks but jesus fucking christ you would think being so far along on the other side would make you more sympathetic and positive to those who no doubt have to take care of you and help through the terrifying process.

Raging sociopath boomers lose introspection layer since that was determined by the brain to be least useful in the consolidation of most critical functions on a smaller resource layer.


Good to review Dementia videos, Alzheimer's videos, and Parkinson's Videos. Then you'll be less confused about what is going on.

They cannot imagine the past 50 years of their lives have been a lie and a waste of their efforts.
They cannot imagine that all the stuff they worked for wasn't worth it.

It's not their fault. Most zoomers struggle with this too.

Gen x'ers are the only ones that seem to understand the situation most of the time.
And they're so morally beaten down that they stopped giving a fuck about 10 years ago.

its the leaded petrol too

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Yeah. I feel sorry for boomers most of the time because alot of them are good people.