New christian, polish video game kino is dropping that's based on a polish book series (kind of like The Witcher games were made):

>In this universe, Christianity took a radical turn where Jesus Christ didn't die for our sins, but became a ruthless warlord that conquered the Roman Empire by force.

>Jesus slaughtered every Jew in Judea, becoming known as "The Butcher of Nazareth".

>After finishing His conquest, Jesus ascended into heaven and left Saint Peter in charge of the Roman Empire and never has been seen since.

>Islam never comes into existence because Muhammad is killed by a random Christian desert patrol.

>As a direct result, the Persian Empire never falls and remains an enemy to the Romans.

>This version of Christianity is all about no mercy whatsoever

Are they going to ban it?

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Pic rel it's the book series that the game is based on.

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shill your shit there you kurwa fuck

so you play as Jesus? what's the plot in the book?

No, you play as his Inquisitor as you slaughter heathens.

fuck off to Any Forums with your baby ass games lil kiddo

kek this is based as fuck

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Sounds very promising.

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Jewish blasphemy

heathens are true europeans, white christians are larping as desert semites

its worth nothing that japan, a heathen nation, is the last remaining 1st world civilization that has stood against genocidal racial replacement

We already slaughtered Jews and they became more inbred as a result.

The Bible literally says if you don’t act Christian you go to hell. The death penalty or the Hajnal line where the Catholic Church took complete dominion over ended up getting rid of those criminal genes from the gene pool. That’s why Eastern Orhodoxy and Ireland was so Criminal. If the Catholic Church today decided that all Catholics were to Ben under Catholic law and not the states and said that the governments can administer the death penalty for all murderers of the Catholic Faith then do you know how quick South America would go from shit to Western European standards? Catholic Church is Eugenics it’s just they stopped giving a shit and thought the rest of the world would act like us without applying the same laws. The entire world should be under the Hajnal line. No inbreeding, death penalty and later marriages. 1/2 of the world would be hanged by the centuries end.

Sorry I'm not jewish so the idea of killing white europeans doesn't particularly excite me. I hope you enjoy the game though goldstein have a nice day

Very based book.
Jesus rather than dying on the cross, instead kills all the Jews (and is then known as the Butcher of Nazareth) and takes over the Roman Empire.
Christianity is a Greco-Roman religion.

You're horrendously uneducated. Semitic is a language group, not a genetic one. Ancient Israelites were white with blue eyes. It is explicitly stated in the Song of Solomon and Lamentations in the Bible. There are also court documents from Christ's execution describing him as blond-haired and blue-eyed. Your post is just ignorant and sad. Ancient Celtic is phonetically almost identical to ancient Phoenician. Greeks got their alphabet basically from Hebrew. We have always been connected. Ancient Mesopotamians, Sumerians, and Egyptians were all Caucasian people as well. We come from the Caucasus and became nomadic/seafaring people. We settled all over the world. Vikings were in North America in the year 800. You find it farfetched that the near East used to be European/Caucasian even though our race supposedly orginates from the Caucasus which is closer to that region than Europe? You're laughable. You think modern demographics are the same as they were 2,000 years ago. Sit down, fool.

Oh, so its not a christian game, its just blasphemy.

>8None of the rulers of this age understood it. For if they had, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory.

>crispy ham and tea

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>Game about a false idol who never died for us
This is blasphemy and you're going to burn in hell.

>Jesus slaughtered every Jew in Judea
the game should've ended right there with jewsus killing himself as the last jew.

this game is literal blasphemy of the highest order lol
how could this be "christianpill?"

Sounds subversive. Who created it?

Lol fuck off retard Piekara sucks cock