Biden Threatens WW3 Over Taiwan

Burger President threatens to destroy the world because America refuses to make semiconductors domestically.

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Holy fuck how do left wing whites and minorities listen to this retard speak. It's actually painful

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>Absolutely cucked.
This should be played on loop over emergency alert systems.

"just pretending to be retarded"

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Biden knows he only got in because we miss Obama that much.

Aktchually, he's right.

How many nuclear threats have we seen this year alone?

America is not starting any of this shit. If China wants to end the world in fire we will meet them at the gates of Hell,

We need to draw the line at some place with China expansion. We failed in Hong Kong, why not ally with the 4th largest army in the world?

Anyone else notice and like 30 other media sites that are not friendly towards Israel were seized and shut down by US government?

First thing I agree with Biden on.

He actually said something correct


Biden has been shit domestically, but internationally we are doing very well.

Out if Afghanistan with no backlash.
Ukraine ended up a a proxy war where $40B and no American lives ended the Russian threat.
China expansion has been checked
Nations giving full amounts to NATO
NATO expanding
Middle east stable
ISIS is dead.

shut the fuk up you eltrocidad muttoid. stay in ur mart. the only line you need to draw is on that bbc diking down ur daughter

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Biden was personally paid millions if not billions by now by the new Ukrainian government and he still refuses to give them military aid. Even this master of crooked quid pro quo deals knows that going to war with a superpower will be a net loss. They can only pay politicians to dickwave and say we'll go to war as a deterrence, but we won't actually go to war. The current rulers of the US look at everything in terms of profit. War with a small nation means they can turn a profit off embezzlement schemes through funding military projects. Going to war with a superpower just means global fucking disaster and hurt investments. It's not going to happen, China and Russia can do whatever the fuck they want and they're about the only nations that can. Anyone else and we're going to war so our political prostitutes and corporate elites can launder money through military spending programs. We live in a scam nation.

Says the guy who wants China to control all the oil in the South Pacific. We give that wealth up we may as well make China the new leaders of the world.

>Out if Afghanistan with no backlash.
This was sloppy but ultimately good
>Ukraine ended up a a proxy war where $40B and no American lives ended the Russian threat.
Its not even close to being done and everything we're doing is making this worse
>China expansion has been checked
If our posture toward China is now defend Tiawan no matter what, it will lead to a war. This is far from over
>Nations giving full amounts to NATO
>NATO expanding
NATO is gay
>Middle east stable
>ISIS is dead.
ISIS was American

The US is bluffing just as it did over Ukraine. The US will not commit to world war over Ukraine or Taiwan. The US government will waste tens of billions of tax dollars to fuel the proxy war in Ukraine as the US government will waste hundreds of billions of tax dollars to fuel the future proxy war in Taiwan

Once again the US government has already sent $50+ billion to Ukraine which only had a GDP of around $150 billion in 2020. The US government will have to likely sent $100+ billion to Taiwan which had a GDP of roughly $650 billion in 2020. The proxy wars are about to get way more expensive and the Chinese can inflict much more economic damage on the entire world in response to future US sanctions

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russia will maybe get donbass, ukraine will join nato

we never committed to defending that shithole

>Chinese can inflict much more economic damage
Thats a cheap corporate line. They make shit for nothing, if they end this corporations are forced to move manufacturing more local and that would be a good thing. Manufacturing in China is the worst thing America is doing right now.

Based. Trump couldn’t even threaten a fair election. Now Biden who is basically senile and incomprehensible is going to wipe out maybe 2/3rds of the world’s population.


>most pogged tiktok imaginable
>z flag
>butt hurt after user says fuck China

We all know it’s you, bugs. And not all of us here are mutts. Many of us are able bodied, red-pilled white men, and it would take 10 bugs for one of us. All you can really do is keep pushing propaganda in foreign countries and enslaving your own people to outsource labor.


The now globalised economy will not return to local manufacturing. That would be an admission that globalization was a failure and overall terrible policy that put the country try and world at risk. Neither the US government and/or corporations will ever admit their globalization policies they have pushed for the last few decades was bad policy

You mean China is full of insect drones who want to invade Taiwan and the US is sticking to its obligation. The biggest mistake US did in ww2 was not doing mroe to help the Chinese exterminate Mao and his communist parasites.

This is more understandable. Russia isn't an existential threat to the US but China is. Plus, the Russian military is better and more battle tested having been involved in helping Iran and Syria deal with ISIS and good goy backed jihadis and they're currently being bogged down in Hoholistan.

The paper tiger chinks are going to get completely annihilated in any war. If the PRC actually tries to invade Taiwan that's going to be the end of them.

>Says the guy who wants China
It's because he's a chink. "Mutt" and its variations are mostly used by wumao.

Ukraine will have a border dispute and won't be able to join NATO

Poland goes from sucking jewkraine cock to jewSA cock in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately I am a filthy Libby, but I appreciate it all the same. Biden still sucks ass and we have no real candidates to replace him. Harris ended up being a total disappointment. Hopefully Republicans but up a reasonable candidate as I would like to support the person I am voting for and just not vote for the other guy.

Trump totally lost me when he deputized my local police and made them federal instead of reporting to the state. The state of Oregon may not be great but that was a wrong fucking move. Police should report to the people not the federal government.

What the hell are you talking about? When you see $40bn going to Ukraine for "aid" that aid is mostly in the form of weapons, missiles, mercenaries and "advisors" i.e. US military personnel running military operations unofficially while officially being mere "consultants". It's all but outright confirmed that the US military was the one directing those attacks inside of Russia and against that ship a few weeks ago.

Ah look Chinese diaspora who is obsessed with cocks. China number 1 so your family left. Lmfao. China so great gotta keep moving farther and farther away from it

Couldn't hear you with all those cocks in your mouth mate

If no one is buying or selling, then really what choice do they have?

It’s not like china is going to do anything anyways. China is nothing but a big larp.
>Threatens to invade the little island for 76 years
>Does nothing
>Xi dies of a brain aneurysm
>China continues to cope and seethe, starves, and still doesn’t invade the little island.

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