Potato Nigger Related Thread. Why is the west

Suddenly being swamped by absoluely fucking tons of French, Austrians, Germans, English, Spanish and Americans..

Western rural fag here, who knows what a normal tourist season looks like. This year is mental

Are people literally coming here because it's as far away from Russias/Ukraine nukes as possible.

Any other rural folks (any country) here have stories on how their communities have been demographically transformed post covid?

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It’s because covid hysteria is over, and people want to visit their dream destinations before some shit happens again

When covid hit I told my dad this would happen. Neutral Island and always unwind of a nuclear attack. God help us, its insufferable.

>God help us
You've been tryin that appeal for 1100 years Padraig it hasn't gone well

Burgers stand with our Potatoes against the British dogs! Burgers and Fries!


No its different. Everyone wants to be as far away from Russia/Ukraine as possible. These people drove here., took a ferry... didnt fly.

Formerly Beautiful secluded beaches now full of cunts every day of the year.

Consider taking your potato meds.

Come out ye blacks and trans...

I reckon ireland and new zealand are pretty much the last bastions of white countries these days. If I had unlimited funds I’d probably relocate my family to one of the two

I don't know why you're complaining. The Ireland 2050 plan is going to import a million foreigners in 30 years. Get used to being crowded.

ireland prefers the company of stinking brown islamists these days

Yeah for all the talk about how swamped we are with naggers.. (true to some degree).. the pissing rain, grey and the cold disarms/neuters them to some degree.

Fuck all in my town, but a few can be seen struggling with umbrellas and chest infections from time to time.

Funny you said that..Shitlioads of white South Africans moved into my area over the last 15 years.

Fun fact, during Late Neolithic and Chalcolihic Ireland became one of the greatest centres of gold trading in West Europe that allowed local neolithic settlers to built massive megaliths as the ones were done in Iberia, Malta and France and even great tombs for royal pharaonic dinasty such as Newgrange.

Then looks like an economic collapse happened and about 1 or 2 centuries later indoeuropeans exterminated the locals and yet the remember of that culture remained as tales and symbols used later by the indoeuropean atlantic cultures.

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Is this a real word? Sounds like the bastard child of alcoholic and catholic.

Have you noticed americans will be like 3/4 english, 1/4 irish but only claim their irish side?

Ireland belongs to the English

>Ireland became one of the greatest centres of gold trading in West Europe
Gonna need a source on this

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And england belongs to the packies.

Who wants to boast about being 3/4 Pakistani?

And the irish belong sea

It was from a paper of trading and demography at prehistoric ireland, anyway if I find it I will make a thread about it, pre collapse Chalcolithic Europe was very developed, megalithis spreaded across the west from France or Portugal and there were several cities in Iberia, there were also strong trading routes since Bell Beaker pottery spreaded from Portugal to Britain, France and Ireland and from there to Central Europe, where indoeuropeans massively adopted it.

There was a certain optimism at chalcolithic but looks like a black death like plague collapsed demography and economy and that plague was followed by a mongol like invasion by indoeuropeans.

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Just look at the age distribution.
It has nothing to do with nukes.
In Germany you are entitled to more vacation when you get older or most Germans just have enough money to travel all year around.
RVs and caravans are sold out everywhere.
Camp sites everywhere are sold out. North, south, everywhere.
Even used ones are picked up instantly.
So even Ireland becomes a new tourist location as every camp site in Italy, Spain, Sweden, Netherlands, France and Germany are just full.

It will even further increase the more of our boomers go into retirement.
It also can't be nukes. Boomer attitude towards nukes is: best be in the center of it.