Here's an idea

If you want to ban abortion. You have to pay mothers to raise the babies they would have aborted. Mothers should be paid 30,000 with an extra 5000 per kid.

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How about we just kill you

how bout we laser seal your gaping wound between your legs shut for good

Spoilers: they already are.
The more kids you have the more gibs you get.
Then they lie about the father living with them. Even more gibs for that single mother.
WIC alone is causing the baby formula bullshit as niggers horde and sell.

>Here's an idea

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Immigrants take advantage of this, and help eachother scam the system.


and pay them to have sex with incels

Best I can do is make the kid work as slave for a living.

What about the father?

>here's how abortions work

What are child support payments?

Is it really that hard to not be a whore or take responsibility for it afterwards?

You mean nigger breeding program boosters?

Then they would just have babies for the money and kill them anyway. Good thinking dipshit.

Please stop having ideas, you are terrible at it.

Niggers don't pay child support. You need taxable income for that

How about we abort the mother too?

Don't fuck during your ovulation period. Pretty simple.

>You have to pay mothers to raise the babies
we already do

>"jamal's dick just felt so good I couldn't say no! that's rape!"

so you're looking to own a haram of broodmares to live off of. Nice hustle if you can make it. Gigolos gotta jiggle

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How about abortion is legal only in the event of a rape that was reported within 48hr of the fact, or if the birth would risk death of the mother or life-threatening disability of the baby?
In all other circumstances ha ha tough luck pal should kept yer sketty legs shut

>You have to pay mothers to raise the babies they would have aborted. Mothers should be paid 30,000 with an extra 5000 per kid.
I'll agree to this as long as I get to decide from whom and when she gets laid.

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Only the white ones, if married.

>would rather kill you than not be able to have sex with strangers for 9 months

Used to have a pretty good system where men provided for their family
Jobs/careers were prioritized to men with a family or starting a family

>You have to pay mothers to raise the babies
no, single mothers always fuck up children i will raise it myself

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Yep and we also should pay robbers for whatever they want in order to the not need to rob anymore. And you can aply this with any other crime

> "I should be allowed to murder my child unless you pay me not to."

user, do you really think this is a good argument? Do you really think that's the moral high ground? For real?


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Heres an idea, fine abort kids, but men no longer lay child support.

Why do you want people you are jealous of to be forced to have children?


>If you want to ban murder. You have to cover every husbands alimony so they don't kill their ex wives. Husbands should be paid double their salary with an extra 10% if their ex was a real cunt.

bitch is a well known thing over here that dumb women get out of school and have 6 kids then claim gibs for life using the child payments from the government on alcohol instead of buying food and clothes for their kids. Suddenly you realise why so many kids were fucked up.

>How about abortion is legal only in the event of a rape that was reported within 48hr of the fact
>Murdering babies is OK if the mother is a rape victim
Nigga what?


Women should have absolutely no say in abortions. It should be an entirely eugenic procedure placed in the hands of a council of based white men


You people aren't following the bible.


How the fuck do you know if the mother wanted to abort the baby? Are you 12? Did you not think ahead that even people that want the baby would claim they want to abort it just for the money? How fucking stupid are you? Did you vote for Bernie Sanders?