Why does universal healthcare frighten the American?

Why does universal healthcare frighten the American?

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Because if we have that, then it will only go to the smelly black people and mexican micro tiny peoples.

I'd gladly suffer to make sure niggers suffer a bit more than me.

why the fuck do shills spell it healthcare with no space? when did this become current? anybody who does this is automatically a shill

Taiwan doesn't have universal healthcare either though?

Because the probability of the Federal government implementing it without fucking everything up is basically zero.

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Everybody understands that it's more highway robbery by the nigger class.
Americans don't like being robbed.

I’d be fine with universal health care if it was only for people with a healthy bodyfat %

>It is mandatory for all citizens in Taiwan to join NHI except for prisoners or people who have moved out of Taiwan. The coverage rate is around 99%.


Remember when certain governments threatened to withhold medical care (transplants included) if you did not get an untested vaccine that we now know does absolute shit? Remember how their reasoning and their ability to do this was based on the fact that the government paid for it? These were literal death panels at the mercy of government officials. My body, my choice you stupid faggot.

Because American healthcare is run by (((insurance companies))) who spread propaganda to scare the ordinary citizen.

Just like NATO all those countries piggyback off the USA in order to supply those benefits. We protect Europe’s borders and innovate their medicine so that they can give it away to their citizens.

Universal = Rationing

I live in Brazil and we have universal healthcare, which means I have to pay a lot of taxes AND an expensive health insurance since the state hospitals sucks.

And public healthcare in most developed nations also sucks. I have friends in UK and Canada that still pays health insurance here in Brazil since our private hospitals are better than the public hospitals from both countries. They travel back to Brazil in order to get proper treatment without months of waiting.

Public healthcare sucks.

America subsidizes medical R&D for the rest of the world. They should be careful insulting the pay pigs or they might wake up to the same $100000 medical bill and a chinese rifle up their ass.

Why so you hypochondriac liberals can go to the emergency room every time you sneeze, no.

White people will end up paying for everyone else.

waiting for those 32 countries to hop in this thread and explain to everyone how “free” healthcare is garbage

Why do you faggots keep falling for slide threads?

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Universal healthcare reduces ER visits. People mostly go to the ER now due to a lack of preventative care and the fact that they can’t turn away the uninsured. Either way you’re paying more for their care.

Because that money belongs to defense contractors and Israel.

Because we are not a developed country. Look around at our demographics and infrastructure. It’s all a fiscal drain.

Why does every person from those 32 nations who can afford it come to America for healthcare when they need a serious operation?

Medical “R&D” is creative accounting to launder money to shell companies. Those academics aren’t going to start working at Burger King. You should look at the revenue growth these companies have seen despite advancements not noticeably speeding up.

Pic related, also OP is a gape assed catamite.

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Regulators will stop you on the street and say show me your papers or pay worth of taxes.

Because it treats incredibly important, difficult and expensive labor as a commodity that can be price-fixed.

Of course, we know that price-fixing doesn't work. In all cases, it produces resource misallocation. It will crawl upstream:

> what a procedure or encounter costs the consumer
> wages paid to healthcare practitioners
> retained revenues distributed to owners, creditors, clinicians and hospitalists
> an un-elected bureaucracy that decides what it is willing to pay for a particular procedure or encounter, and that is how much your mortal existence or your active suffering is ultimately worth to the risk-bearer and not a cent more
> there is no reason to innovate, or to reach a new expensive life-saving procedure

now, this is important. think about how it is that you have a cell phone. you see, in the 80s, cell phones were for the super-wealthy. wall street guy might pay $10,000 in 1980s money to have a sophisticated radio transceiver array and battery pack drilled into his car.

but those early $10k/pop sales made it possible to invest in, and receive returns from, telecommunications engineering, small chip design, wireless infrastructure to be built

as it became more available, the technology becomes cheaper, and the market you can address becomes larger, which is the motive force that pushes investors into "emerging markets"

as a result, you have Qualcomm chips, etc ettc thousands of various pieces of intellectual property, hardware, and software sitting between you and and someone else

now imagine it's 1980 and the government mandates a RIGHT to cell phones

how much cell phone would you have now? Z E R O

you would have a tamagotchi that can send 1 byte across a copper network laid 50 years ago and it can only be used to send the police to your house, the one byte contains what charge to arrest you under, i.e. misusing a government network with illegal traffic

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All of those developed nations are 1/16th our size. You fucking retards do not understand anything

Like who? You don’t have access to the healthcare billionaires are getting. For average healthcare procedures like child birth and simple surgeries America has some of the worst outcomes in the world.

>make it work
The left with their redefining of words. Yes those countries have a low functioning piece of shit healthcare system paid for by 50% of their income in taxes. That is not "working". Working should mean a high functioning and efficient service that solves most people's health problems quickly or at least will eventually solve them. Public healthcare has none of that, so its utterly pointless.

The NHS costs nearly £1b per day, it's fucking insane. And its so awful

What do those 32 nations have in common?

Sure would be nice if I didn't have to send my elderly dad $500 a month to cover his heart meds that the VA won't.
Wish I could just pay a small percentage of my income & everyone would get the healthcare they need instead of cutting off our nose to spite our face.

Notice every single person calling for "muh healthcare" is a disgusting fat fuck like in ops pic. Take care of your own health, you disgusting fat fucks. Our taxes need to go less to these disgusting fat bums. That's why, you retarded nigger. Die on your own dime.

Healthcare is the correct term when we are talking about the medical industry.

I've always wanted to study what the details of Japan and Taiwan's healthcare system looked like. There's so much presumption in the US that the European models are expensive and don't work but in reality, we're only ever hearing about the fuckery going on in Great Britain and Canada.

Your retarded dad should've killed himself in the military. Fuck the VA, Fuck the JewSA, and fuck you and your retarded father. Exercise and not drinking like a retard would do his heart better than jew pills.

Look at college costs and even the change in medical costs after Medicare and medicade became a thing. Anything the feds touch immediately falls under the domain of thousands of new rules and regulations. Costs double and triple.

Canadian free Healthcare so great Indians freeze to death to get away from it.

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This is the correct answer.

because those other 32 nations have closed borders

you’re kinda shooting yourself in the foot here. i also have VA healthcare and it is fucking terrible. if that “free” government healthcare can’t even properly serve the small demographic it’s intended for, what makes you think “free” government healthcare for hundreds of millions will be any good

I wish we did have universal healthcare so niggers, spics, women, boomers, faggots like the OP and the fat retards like duke would be left to starve by hospitals

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People would shit when they realize that their total tax burden hits 80% like the euro countries. As a business owner I would love it, it would save me over $30k per month.


Smaller government. Smaller government. Smaller government. Fuck income taxes. Fuck property taxes. It's all theft. The roads are all shit barely being fixed by a bunch of nigs and spics and the education system has been failing for decades. That's why we import brownies with high IQs. College is a scam and the government kikes are robbing people through "student loans". We live in a debt/"credit" society controlled by kikes and you want more kikery. Get a fucking job, nigger. It's not that hard. Stop doing drugs and take care of your bodies. At the end of the day you disgusting fat fucks don't CARE about your own health. So why should we have to pretend to.

you think thats bad, the GloboPharma Intellectual Property cartel that forces your ill father to pay exorbitant amounts to an "International Corporation" beholden to no one, is mostly to recoup the fees associated with FDA regulation. it costs over $2B to bring the first pill to market.

they will even pay the $2B just to get an exclusive State-granted monopoly for marketing and production on a treatment that doesn't work. See the recent alzheimers.

You can still get it in people's bodies, and they will still have to pay whatever rate while you hold your exclusivitiy

That evil doesn't end there, get this, they exported dangerous research to China and got the US NIH to pay for it, they were developing a human viral research platform that they hoped would pave the way for a novel gene therapy method using a betacoronavirus vector that makes you immune to HIV

only, they forgot about how much the Chinese lie about standards, lie about everything, and generally have horrible work safety accidents and oversight

so WHUPS the human viral research platform related to RaTG13 got loose in the caboose, they hadn't even effectively proved it out on the animals yet, you were supposed to be able to selectively encode antigens onto the spike to present whatever disease you wanted and get immunity. you could inhale the vector and BOOM you're immune to AIDs for years or whatever

sounds like a great idea except all those fuzzy edges like what if the "viral gene therapy vector" itself still replicates at pandemic-level titers in human airway tissue, well some people are gonna get killed

what about the effect it has on your immune system, or fertility, well we didn't really figure that out

but they quickly repurposed the research in a traditional medium, but using their Gene Therapy findings, what they hope will be a much more effective vaccine than conventional except....

oh right all those fuzzy edges applying gene therapy to humans.....oh....hmmm...

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Because he's a retard like all Americans are. He isn't thinking at all he just wants what his disgusting fat ass hasn't earned like all mutts.

Pretty sure in most Euro countries most of the healthcare burden is covered by employers.

> it doesn’t scale
> it will be rorted by basketball Americans
> it will be rorted by fatties
> it will cost more than in those other countries because Jews will corrupt it
> america is a divided nation, a good half of which prefers a take care of yourself model (current system is neither capitalist nor socialist but the worst combination of both)

Obesity is epidemic. Universal healthcare in the United States would be substantially more expensive than in over countries. That isn't to say it wouldn't be more cost effective than the present arrangement, but there are uniquely American problems when it comes to making it work.

Add to that the state of politics which make any legislation that is not a simple kickback for special interest a near impossibility, and you'll grasp why any plan put forward looks like another dreadful attempt to line the pockets of insurance companies and hospitals by further emptying the pockets of taxpayers.

The ACA ("Obamacare") is a great example of an attempt--perhaps an insincere one--to introduce a simple public option. It was neutered. With a Democratic supermajority. Sans public option, what was the ACA? A further income stream for insurers.

The current system is the most Jewish. It's a total racket where the money gets funnelled into insurance firms that sometimes just tell people to fuck off.

turn off your vpn chang

awesome, then we can kill our poor and homeless people instead of paying taxes to treat them!!!!

Never used a VPN in my life. The kikes have all my data.

Reasonable answer, I think that settles that.

Medicare works just fine

just dont get sick lmao