Men who have sex with men?

Why are they calling those who have gay buttsex "men who have sex with men?" Who sent out the memo? How do they co-ordinate this so everyone stats to use the new words and terminology simultaneously?

Attached: Men Who Have Sex With Men.png (611x254, 30.65K)

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Another example.

Attached: Monkeypoz.png (683x216, 21.81K)

I am guessing they think a FtM who fucks men isnt gay?

That seems awfully transphobic if so.

AP style book
look it up

No there is a subset of fags who think they're straight because they're only sexually attracted to men but not romantically attracted. So they avoid calling themselves gay or even bi sexual.
A good reference is the DL subset of black gay subcultures.

Nature doesn't care about troons's feelings, nature knows who is a man and who is a woman. Nature doesn't care about being politically correct.

>I am guessing they think a FtM who fucks men isnt gay?

That what I was thinking. There must be a tranny hiding behind that terminology.

>AP style book
>look it up

Not getting any results.

they are trying to change the phrasing because of tranny fag stuff and nouns

however monkey pox (severe sunburn of nigger skin due to a lack of consistency in how much melanin is present in skin per square inch averaged) will not affect homosexuals as tghe noun is not the same. it will affect virgin males who are not having sex but declare they have sex with men and even little girls who identify as a man who has sex with men

>new terminology
Been using that here for about 20 years. Maybe your Country is just uneducated?

>I'm something of an aids ridden faggot, myself.

Attached: 786878.jpg (268x188, 7.85K)


same shit in canada montréal
>17 cases
>all gay men

Attached: bychance.jpg (741x904, 185.56K)

Because Twitter is all bots and you're too retarded to stop reading bots.

Looks like it’s time to make a new fag flag to address those specific fags too! Fag month is just a week away, they better get to work.

It's because there are guys that think it's not gay as long as there is no eye contact, kissing, cuddling, etc.

>17 cases

Attached: 1647800266159.gif (302x400, 3.89M)

When I was in college, I signed up for a class on AIDS because I wanted to understand the gay plague better.
On the first day of class when they made it clear we were never supposed to consider a faggot to be "gay" just because he has lots of casual sex with other men, because he could be a straight man who is very adventurous; I stood up, walked out, and dropped the course immediately.

>Looks like it’s time to make a new fag flag to address those specific fags too! Fag month is just a week away, they better get to work

They should add monkeypoz lesions to the flag to make it more inclusive.

Shlomo shill bot has entered the chat.

"probably by chance"


Attached: yougay.jpg (259x194, 7.67K)

same in norwegian lügenpresse
>menn som har sex med menn

Attached: monkeygayfags.png (1336x804, 301.72K)

can someone redpill me on onions

I think proclamations such as this are supposed to make sure anyone doing the activity is getting themselves tested and on medication if they end up needing it, no matter what excuse they make about their identity

> Gay rightfully receiving Gods punishment
I see absolutely nothing wrong here

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Attached: Men Who Have Sex With Men 2.png (602x131, 18.54K)

that phrase has been used a lot, especially with regards to aids.
it's not new

Medfag here. This terminology isn't new and its used because of hypersexualized men who identify as straight or bi but have gay sex

there are ZERO videos of monkeypox. It doesn't exist.

So Klaus Scwab put HIV in the corona vaccines so that it would activate a gene with gay men with HIV so it mutates to monkeypok.

Remember the handler who sent the instructions for indian farmer issue via greta that got leaked. Its like that. Which is why they freaked out when elon bought twitter

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Attached: Men Who Have Sex With Men 3.png (803x362, 27.37K)

>Why are they calling those who have gay buttsex "men who have sex with men?" Who sent out the memo? How do they co-ordinate this so everyone stats to use the new words and terminology simultaneously?
kek! I noticed this on one of our news reports a few days ago as well.
fucking bizarre phrase that i'd never heard before.

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It was a politically correct term originally developed by the medical community as a group with high risk for infection. Yes they need constant antibiotics and antifungals to stay alive.