I just got fired for drawing a swastika in the dust on a rail at work

I just got fired for drawing a swastika in the dust on a rail at work

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Pick yourself up and dust yourself off

Given the current climate, your boss did the right thing.

lmao did you work at facebook?

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Ehh, worth it

Don't worry about it, pretty soon those same virtue signaling liberal Arabs will be firing people for NOT drawing the #modern_variant_swastica and saluting it.

These virtue signaling liberals are not the good guys. They ARE the nazis. They will murder tens of millions at the drop of a hat and shriek in agony the entire time. You're just saying their name too soon.

Don't shit where you eat

great story to tell the grandkids one day

Holy fucking autism. You must be a huge sperg to even have something like that noticed

Im not suprised for feel bad in any way whatsoever. But i did kinda like that job whereas i was my own boss in a lot of ways. OH WELL ill just get another job somewhere else its that easy

Take a picture first? And what did your boss say?

Nope im chad i think some liberal(s) sperged out themselves. It wasnt a huge swastika or in a high traffic area. Somebody got pissed off or offended SOOO much that the company launched its investigation into it while they gave me leave from work. I just got off the phone now, im terminated kek

One supervisor didnt give a shit in fact i think he's one of us but somehow higher ups in a different state/city caught wind and ya. Somebody threw a fit or is absurdly NPC about everything, probably both


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why did you do it user?

that is like grade school stuff

how to explain this b.s. to your next employer?

Based, fuck shlomos, you will get another job soon

after this line reddit goes crying and looks for explanations for a manly act

He's a Buddhist

OP gonna work for the ADL

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>how to explain this b.s. to your next employer?

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You should have argued you were Buddhist

yeah well thats different
