We need more trains

we need more trains


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I need you to rip your own head off, faggot.

For Jews

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Who's going to pay for them?

Public transport sucks outside of Scandinavia and Japan, we all need to work together and fix it. Even if you’re a car guy (I am), fixing public transport will clear up the roads, making it more fun to drive.


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I would agree but they are dying also to many people are breaking them inside

i want there to be a train on teh moon m8
it's my ultimate dream

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No way in hell am I sharing transport with this disgusting, diverse mix of shit heads I share this collapsing country with.

You can do all you want with respect of the subways, but the population lacks the constitution of character to keep the place clean, decent, and even shareable.

Agreed, on /m/ they have ones that turn into giant robots.


already theres too many damn trannies

you - car-brained suburbanites. theyre substantially less expensive relatively to build as opposed to car infrastructure and make commuting, especially, much more enjoyable.

This as well. Adding another lane to a major highway costs roughly as much as adding a train to the median.


>No way in hell am I sharing transport with this disgusting, diverse mix of shit heads I share this collapsing country with.
Have you considered the idea of building transit so those same shit heads dont have to share the road with you?

Trains hurt the ears, also if someone gets a heart attack and he isn't on his way to a hospital then he will die

agreed, i ride the train in my hometown and it's cheap and nice. but when i travel to other american cities, i have to pay out the ass for a car rental + insurance + gas + L + ratio.

mandatory auto ownership is one of the things that keeps poor people poor. imagine if instead of paying for a loan and insurance you could put that towards a house that rose in value instead of depreciating or disappearing into the pockets of an (((insurance company))).

more trains!


No we dont. Trains are for queers.

It sucks in Scandinavia too, at least in Sweden, it's underfunded and breaks down all the time, constant delays and cancelled departures.

Been that way since the state sold it off and privatized it in 2001.

Anybody who can’t afford cars / is a liberal, bbc worshipping faggot already is

>the absolute state of subways

Theres not much worth investing in to change. Everyone who can afford a car thinks exactly the way I do, and will not take a subway.

I’d rather spend the funding on expanding roads, or limiting who can drive, as we have some terrible drivers where I live.

It's the jews turn to pay for something.

that would entail public works projects

and people are too divided and corrupt for that shit

look around your average city, its crumbling

I want a big train that goes around the rings of saturn.....
my dream.

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that sounds kino AF


>or limiting who can drive, as we have some terrible drivers where I live.
God you are so close but too stubborn to think otherwise.

Millions of people who probably shouldn't be driving are forced to because there is simply >no< other option other than driving because we build almost exclusively around the automobile. We absolutely need to upzone areas near transit lines, increase capacity and build lines further out from city centers so those - and I agree with you here, because there are a lot of them - idiots who shouldn't be driving aren't on the road anymore, at the bare minimum less than they usually are.

The absolute easiest way to get these people off the road and away from your safe little bubble is to build another option so people aren't absolutely forced to drive.

Funny how American's look down on people who take the train to work and whatever. You realise it's all Jewish propaganda to make take on debt for shitbox cars right? Have fun borrowing money to pay off a rapidly depreciating asset which costs thousands to maintain. I'll be shitposting and watching Youtube on my phone while taking a train.

user you don't understand! If there are functioning passenger trains around nobody can own a car and freedom dies!