Everyone who disagrees with me is a pedophile

>Everyone who disagrees with me is a pedophile

Is this really the argument you have?

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Celebration parallax.

>be troon
>bake 3 threads
>move to phone
>bake 3 more slide threads
kys troon that's the only political difference you will ever make in your life
write a manifesto, blame Any Forums.

Attached: loqualpost.png (342x109, 4.55K)

Yes. Being reasonable with the left is impossible. They are harming and grooming children with their policies. Hormone blockers are a true evil.

There is only one group of people who get angry when told not to talk to children about sex.

the people who control the people who disagree with me are pedophiles, and those controlled people are sheep
OP is a faggot who eats cum and gets buttholes rubbed on his face

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Quite frankly, there is ZERO reason pre-schoolers need to know about sex. NONE.
Teaching sex ed in 5th grade is good enough and is how it's been for many years.

troon op is long gone
when they see the truth it hurts them internally

Groomers gonna groom

>Is this really the argument you have?

Yes. And?

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well that does it. I now want to compromise on reasonable sex training for children

All of the accusations are by Dems in this comic/argument are made moot when you know that Republicans are only amplifying the alarm against grooming and communism bring raised by liberal former democrat turncoats

>Everyone is nazi, a racist, homophobic, etc.
>What someone is pointing out my support of pedophile and is using guilt by association.
> Stop doing what we were doing, it dishonorable!

Sometimes you're also a nigger
Oh wait, they are abusers too

>everyone who disagrees with me is a white supremacist/domestic terrorist.
Is this really the argument you guys have?

what if everyone i argue with turns out to be a pedo?
and only incidentally i ended up on the "right side of things"?

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"I am silly" part 2

But it's true, they are pedophiles. Notice how the libs never try to disprove this.

Here we see that being against raping children is now considered unreasonable. I'm not even surprised

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>Everyone who disagrees with me is a Nazi
Sucks, doesn't it? And we know there's nothing you can do about it, because just like us, if you protest being called a pedo we'll just call you a pedo more. Turnabout is fair play, isn't it you fucking groomer scum?

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Jfl at your flag right now.

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note the masks

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>you see we just copy our enemies we call them facist and when they have a good argument we portray them as us
gas now

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Say something against Jews and you're Xenophobic.

Say something against niggers and you're racist.

Sense the pattern yet? Phonies with no truth to stand on are sinking in Quick Sand?

Based more anons follow this anons example

Why is it so wrong to enjoy cunny once in a while? I bet republicans are closeted pedofiles. Those who are the loudest fighting against these policies tend to be also the biggest pedos.

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Attached: school pride.webm (720x1272, 1.42M)

>everyone that disagrees with me is a racist bigot
Why yes, this is an argument we have.

What if I'm a pedo and everyone I argue with also turns out to be a pedo? I'm just saying, anyone who prefers little boys to little girls is a god damn fruitcake son of a bitch and I won't tolerate it.

Meanwhile, in the left
>Everyone who disagrees with me is a nazi
Don't like your medicine, groomer?


then you should seek help.


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the last phase of genocide is always denial

>what about disagreeing with pedophilia sounds reasonable

Replace "pedophile" with "fascist" and switch the animals. It's all bullshit. The sooner people realize this and stop engaging, the better.

Compromise is for rabbis. Stop grooming kids.

Racist, meat eater, cis, unvaxxed, Christ cuck, etc

How is unreasonable to not want third graders learning about made up gender bullshit? If state psychologists are so obsessed with putting this useless, blatantly unscientific bullshit into public course curriculum, save it for sex Ed which is like 8th grade. They don't want to do that because even 8th graders are old enough to see through the bullshit. They have to teach this really young when they haven't really grasped natural order and logic yet

I love how the donkey looks like a jew.

Not everyone who disagrees with me is a pedophile, many of them are just useful idiots for pedophiles.

Help? I can ejaculate on/in my daughter on my own perfectly fine sir.

Let's say hypothetically republicans and democrats are both pedophiles

Wants to legalize grooming little boys and making them go under body modification with no ironbound commitment to the relationship

Wants to legalize fathers choosing a husband for their daughters

They really are triggered that they can’t groom kids.

If this was July 4th in a white school liberals would say it's indoctrination and brainwashing

>"A reasonable compromise"
Do leftists still believe they act this way?