Gifted/GATE Conspiracy

ITT, we discuss our traumatic/weird experiences in our school's Gifted/GATE programs.

In pic rel:
>1: Peter Rosenstein, former Executive Director of the National Association for Gifted Children
>2: David Brock, head of Media Matters/Correct the Record (Clinton shill)
>3: James Alefantis: owner of Comet Ping Pong Pizza (Pizzagate)

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um pic WTF user is that for real?

well, that explains quite a bit.

oh shit my bad im meme flaggoting.
forgot to turn it off don't want to spook anyone.

So a bunch of rich spooky faggots like to hang out together?

Oldfuck here. In elementary school, specifically grades 5 and 6, I was in gifted classes, but they were called "challenge" classes, but I specifically remember the gate acronym used in the program. This would have been around 1984.
Any info on this shit from that year?
I was more worried about running around back then, and was a less than ideal student, so I don't really have any stories, but a few of my classmates that were in it longer than me have led a pretty fucked up life. Valedictorian ODing after graduation, one became a teacher and had a mental breakdown on a field trip, things like that.


You were being recruited. You didnt have what we were looking for.

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James Rothschild alefantis BTW

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Yup, also his husband, David Brock, they had the Rothschild name on the paper work for an apt they had.
No we were tested

Didn't have any.

Stop making up fake trauma. Blue hair tranny loser shit.

wasnt there some rothchild woman with blond hair hanging out with them? Like a full on rotchild . I rember some picture of her standing on staircase either with Brock or Alfantis .


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lynn, wife of evelyn who is seen here poking the future king of england in the chest...

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>Like a full on rotchild
That's what James is user

she looked way to young like 40sfor this old fuck if I rember correctly not that would be any big deal given what these creeps really seem to be into.

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yeah but he is under the radar this woman had the last name rothchild she wasnt a crypto rothchild

Ok I just image searched I think it was her. She looked younger in my fuzzy memory.

Alefantis is a fake last name, it has something to do with pedophilia. Go lurk old pizza gate threads user, he's a full on Rothschild raping kids with govt in dc.

GATE kid from 2001~2003, I don't remember anything traumatic from GATE but what struck me as weird as a child were:

1. Zener card psychic guessing games
2. Pink (fluoride?) drinks all the time
3. We were taught to do remote viewing and would routinely be quizzed by the instructor to describe items in the next room over that we could not physically see
4. We took field trips to physics laboratories and stuff that were dangerous. I distinctly remember having to wear this like tiny cardboard device that could detect if I had been exposed to too high a level of radiation while visiting the lab.
5. constant "hearing tests" at least 2 a month.
6. Whenever we were going to go on a field trip we were asked to draw what the place looked like in our heads before going. The kid with the most accurate drawing would get candy like smarties or something.
7. Logic puzzles and stuff usually revolving around some disaster scenario or planet colonizing scenario. I distinctly remember there being a weird scenario where we were stuck in a space capsule and had a gun and an hour of oxygen and some other tools and we had to decide what the best course of action was.
8. My only friends in school were other GATE kids I never had any "normal" friends. I lost touch with them all though after high school.
9. Constantly being put into competitions and meeting with state senators and leaders in education and stuff. I'd been to DC several times by the age of 12 and I barely remember why.
10. I remember we would watch little videos with a scenario and we were quizzed on what we remember from the video like: how many people had blue shirts? Blonde hair? wedding rings? how many cars were there, etc.

Some other weird shit about the classes were how much the instructors tried to boost your confidence we were constantly told how special and superior we were and I have a strong sense that we were being groomed but for what I don't know.

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no shit sherlock I already know this for christsake im not disputing you,

the pic i think you have in your head is kinda old too, like from the early 2000s

Even your ID is glowing

yeah I think so I rember briefly seeing it but I didnt down load . I think it was Brock and ALfantis in an apartment and Lynn standing on the stairs. If I rember right,

thats the one, I'm kinda enjoying the walk through memory lane today

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Ok then

Cant really say the same this shit makes me uncomfortable and now OP finding a link to GATE.

holy fuck this brought back some repressed memories

could be koolaid? aka one of the most potent mindcontrol substances