Uhhhh... bros?

Uhhhh... bros?

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Other urls found in this thread:


In America, we put "In God We Trust" on our money. In Russia, they have no money!

Good for them

>That’s not how the economy works!!
>You see, there are RULES!!!

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I've exchanged all my Euros for Rubles, once Russia has taken Kiev the good times are gonna roll

Remove the capital controls then.

>prices still high
>can't even money to pay for services I used before february


The Ruble stopped being representative of the Russian economy once massive capital control policies got installed and all foreign exchanging dried up.

look at Ukrainian hryvnia then, it keeps being stable to all other currencies as well

this happens when you don't allow your currency to be freely converted, good for a while but unsustainable in the long term


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>once Russia has taken Kiev

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The real RUB exchange rate is set by AliExpress nowadays, it's higher than the official rate but not by much.

It must be admitted that Russia has kept its currency more or less stable but it resulted in serious problems in the job market. As far as I can see on Russian sites, IT devs are leaving Russia en masse for example, because contracts with western partners are cancelled and no new orders are being received


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>what is cost of living

also: what are you going to spend your well earned factory schmucks on? McPutins? Getting a new MucBook Air?

We removed exchange rate controls two days ago, since situation stabilized enough

>look at Ukrainian hryvnia then, it keeps being stable to all other currencies as well

Proofs? Seems like he's right

Attached: fake exchange rate.png (1114x997, 71.88K)

your point?
it's capped at 30 uah per 1 usd

Attached: screenshot-www.xe.com-2022.05.23-11_45_58.jpg (1308x535, 77.5K)

But it is, even without exchange rate controls

well, maybe there are no direct capital controls now but it's obviously impossible that UAH has the same rate like before the war when half of Ukrainian economy isn't working right now, I guess your government might use different measures like buying UAH for its reserves in foreign currencies to prop up the exchange rate

>you mite be rich but what we’re not selling you anything bcuz you are a meanie(((
Nooo but what about the free market bros….

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>you might be rich

Nobody said that.


Ruble and hrivna are basically isolated currencies now
They can draw whatever number they want

well, the Soviet rouble's rate in the 1980s was 1 SUR = 1.70 USD

the thing was that you couldn't buy USD in the USSR for this price

I'm starting to think this whole operation was just a feint to bring the beloved CCCP back

Ukraine doesn’t use Rubel anymore?

You fucking serious?

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I wouldn't mind it, this way Russia would collapse even sooner

The last two years have exposed how much of a farce capitalism is.

obviously it is a problem of the USD, not the Rouble.
Or rather those people who didn't want to sell it at the official price.

these are the """people""" supporting you

>Or rather those people who didn't want to sell it at the official price.

so you mean the state

as long as you don't need to import anything from abroad then you don't need to worry about exchange rate but when you need it, suddenly it becomes a crucial problem - your problem


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>suddenly it becomes a crucial problem - your problem
no. It's not my problem lmao.
Only a problem of those who disagree with my terms

Germans are supporting Russians

if you can't buy anything from outside (sanctions) your exchange rate means nothing

>Only a problem of those who disagree with my terms

Yes, tell the Chinese that the rouble rate is their problem and if they sold you stuff for X roubles before the Ukraine war, they should still keep selling you this stuff for X roubles

>if you can't buy anything from outside (sanctions) your exchange rate means nothing
If i can't buy anything from the outside it means that those who don't sell need a coup or a revolution and a new decent government that will sell anything you ask them for. That's it.
Nope, i'd prefer to force europeans to pay out your pockets lmao.

>our money
that money is not yours it's just your turn bro. you've been pimped

>Nope, i'd prefer to force europeans to pay out your pockets lmao.
so you get all the euros from europeans, but you cant buy anything using their euros, because you cant use euros/usds for transactions

>need a coup or a revolution and a new decent government
you cant even cause a coup in ukraine your "brother" nation how are you going to do that in other nations

Uh yes, blame Stalker and GSC for not changing it.
True. I WILL keep calling it Kiev and Rubel.

>Nope, i'd prefer to force europeans to pay out your pockets lmao.

it will work for 1-2 years until European countries secure other directions they can import oil and gas from (plus they will accelerate switching to renewables) and Russia won't be needed at all

The idea is to make europeans our colony and force them to work for free and trade only in roubles, exclusively.
I'm not saying that everyone deserves this in the EU but shitholes like poland or baltics definetely need a boot on their neck at all times.
I don't trust they are well capable to make correct decisions when it comes to politics.
It's better to put them on a leash and keep them there like it was done before.

i haven't been on Any Forums for like a month
good to know that nothing here changes

Dude all the major money has been already made in currency speculation.

well this only works if europeans want to buy anything from you and other than gas there is nothing. what happens when they start to divert their gas suppliers? They are already committed to this, they plan on decreasing the gas the buy from russia to 1/3rd of what they do right now at the end of this year.

yeah shut fag

Why didn't Putin just do this instead of sperging out and invading Ukraine? If Russia was wealthy half of Ukraine would probably join on their own.

Well i will gladly see how europeans turn into middle-aged village and all turn into trannies and vegans. That would be a fun show to watch.

it ll also be fun to watch russians being incredibly "rich" but not being able to buy anything with all of that money.

that's some nice krokodil-fueled fantasy Misha, too bad the baltics and Poland are now buying gas from elsewhere lol

I can't get it either, if Putin spent half of the money he spends on the army on improving Russia instead, Russia could be a decent, relatively developed country and all other ex-soviet republics would beg Russia so they could join it or ally with it

Ukraine isn't trying to run away from Russia because of some NATO conspiration but simply because Russia is a giant shithole and shit-Midas

I will buy Rubles and go on vacation in Crimea and support Russian business

hey, whatever make your penis hard, nigger, eh?

continue to live in your delusion

yes soso bad((( i'm gonna cry now about it(((( you won frenchioid

oh i sure will my hairy friend

ah shit the heroinhead has pulled out the parentheses, what am I gonna do

>Russia was wealthy half of Ukraine would probably join on their own
Its already quite a bit wealthier and if there was an actual free vote like 20-30 of the country would.
Don't forget to thank us.
Fortunes are going to be made when the Russian stock market opens again.
Hard to beat a price to book of under 1 in a lot of cases.
Free of western speculation for now but that will soon change.
Only fools miss out on a quick buck.
And with all new market share up for grabs it's a no brainer.
If I didn't have a net worth of 80 dollars, I would be preparing to make moves. But I need investors.

monke wan banan?

It means we both won. Based brothers slavs against the west.

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the bananas do not grow in your shithole frien. THat's why my best friend is Brazil.
>what am I gonna do
you can always kill yourself and end the suffering. I can give you a suggestion how. drink bleach ahadujahduahjdhaj

>you can always kill yourself and end the suffering
why would I do that when suicide is peak russian culture

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>Its already quite a bit wealthier and if there was an actual free vote like 20-30 of the country would.

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because you asked
>what am I gonna do
i just gave you a suggestion

>Ukraine isn't trying to run away from Russia because of some NATO conspiration
Its seethe and glowie related. As I said before Russia is already the wealthier nation by comparison.
But on the other hand, Westen Europe is quite well off even though most places don't even have the per captia income of Mississippi. If your happy being the underclass it is an option. But it's been like unofficially for almost a decade and there still the poorest nation in Europe.

>As I said before Russia is already the wealthier nation by comparison.

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Russian mentality is something totally out of place, they still live in 19th century. When they discussed Poland's engagement on the side of Ukraine, they couldn't believe that Poland is sending all kind of help to Ukraine instead of taking advantage of Ukraine's situation and annex western Ukraine and their only explanation was that "Poland's masters in Washington must have not agree to it". They can't understand that you can simply not want a chunk of your neighbor's territory.

They have like 2x your PPP per captia.


Look at the glowie handbook. Or is that Russian Propaganda.


swedish faggots should take notes from you

>As I said before Russia is already the wealthier nation by comparison.

Just because Russia is a bit wealthier (in statistics, you can't really see it irl) despite all that oil&gas income only makes the ex-soviet countries realize that Russia is not a worthy partner to ally with.

Russia should have at least the living standards of southern European states like Spain or Italy with all the money they earn. But Russian oligarchs need to own yachts worth more than some states' annual budget.

see this post

It's not even about humanitarian aid, we help Ukraine because keeping Russia far away from here is both in Poland's and Ukraine's interest. But we don't need to annex other countries' territory to feel better.

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this dude trully gets me
and i thought i was living inside his head
captcha XDGAS

counterstrike with a space before question mark

OMG i wish i was born in poland and voted for PISS already. I would vote for PISS every single day and would pray to pope and never ever have sex before marriage.

Sure, but you have to consider, that all the wealth is concentrated in 2 cities there, while here it is more evenly spread out, so people on average have better livelihoods that your average invader

In case of Russia higher GDP only matters than local oligarchs will buy 2x more expensive yachts. Average Russian and average Ukrainian had pretty much the same living standards before Russia invaded Ukraine

>If I didn't have a net worth of 80 dollars,
Ah, a Any Forums veteran I see.

I'd rather have PIS than AIDS

The Ruble being stable isn't going to bring factories with fucked up supply chain back online. It's not going to bring thousands of western businesses back.
The Russian economy is fucked.

good for you lmao

We gave you the most money of all Europeans sorry we don't send you our non existing military equipment, after all you deserve it since we are in a allies oh wait we aren't we have no obligation to help you whatsoever but we still sent you billions.

>is a bit wealthier
2X even with us sanctions
>Russia should have at least the living standards of southern European states like Spain or Italy with all the money they earn. But Russian oligarchs need to own yachts worth more than some states' annual budget.
Are you stupid? For an eastern bloc nation with no recent history of capitalism there lucky to be where they are now. And oil isn't fucking magic when you have over 100 million people. It's not a Saudi Aribia with less than 20 million people. It's a Iran or Venezuela. The Baltic states are the most successful ex soviet republics. And they were already nicer to begin with. The soviet union sunk a lot of money into the place and they were under the communist system for like 30 years less. And on a per captia basis Moscow and St perterburg both have higher PPPs and population(than all three combined) .Kaliningrad is the weak link in that region. If I was king of Russia i would demo the fucking place and rebuild the old city. Make it touristy and nice and maybe some businesses in St Petersburg and Moscow would relocate there. Its in a convenient place.

>Average Russian and average Ukrainian had pretty much the same living standards before Russia invaded Ukraine
I don't think so. Consider interviews with their POWs and what sort of things they loot

Attached: germ.jpg (900x900, 100.88K)

where is your wealth concentrated? Panama? Mars? keep the cope to yourself.
>Ah, a Any Forums veteran I see.
/fa/ victim

>/fa/ victim

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>we have no obligation to help you whatsoever
Your obligation is not having the Russians 1,200kms closer to Berlin, or do we all need to remind you what happened last time

What happened last was your country being allied with the Russians and now you're all high and mighty

There's objectively no reason for Russia to be this poor. Sure oil on its own isn't enough but with effective investments it's possible to develop the economy (especially services which is the pillar of post-industrial economies like Europe's). The only reason it's that way is because the oligarchs plunder most of the country's wealth and Putin's neo-Soviet fantasies are turning down any opportunity of close economic ties with their neighbors.

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>For an eastern bloc nation with no recent history of capitalism there lucky to be where they are now.

Russia is doing worse than a lot of former eastern bloc nations despite these have no oil and gas.

> And oil isn't fucking magic when you have over 100 million people

That's why I didn't say Russia should be as rich as Norway or Kuwait per capita. But they should be able to achieve much more than they did.

>The soviet union sunk a lot of money into the place and they were under the communist system for like 30 years less.

The Baltic republics were richer before the Soviet Union annexed them than after so talking about 'sinking money into them' is ridiculous.

> And on a per captia basis Moscow and St perterburg both have higher PPPs

This whole GDP makes no sense for Russia since it's not reflected in average people's living standards as most of income from selling resources is being stolen by oligarchs and politicians.

Again, if Russia was a democratic, developed country (at least averagely) then countries like Ukraine would gladly cooperate with Russia to a much higher degree.

Circumstances of alliances change, Kraut, nothing is in stone.
What is in stone is anyone creeping across the European Plain from the east makes your politicians very nervous.


>There's objectively no reason for Russia to be this poor

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I mean, on paper. Russia has everything they could ask for to become filthy rich and prosperous. Lots of land, lots of fertile soil, lots of resources, a solid educational system, etc.

We had no fear of Russia whatsoever. We are just pressured to act against them now.

yes, this is called Miracle on the Volga river - how you can have everything to be rich yet you're still poor

>We had no fear of Russia whatsoever.

Because you still have some countries left between you and them

No because Russia would never try to annex us since they need us. They don't consider us Russian territory like Poland.

>No because Russia would never try to annex us since they need us.

they'd turn you into DDR 2.0, if you like it then it's your choice

>Russia is doing worse than a lot of former eastern bloc nations despite these have no oil and gas.
The rest of post isn't worth responding too. But this is important. As far as nations with no recent history of capitalism are concerned, they are doing the best. THIS MATTERS. Most eastern bloc nations went under communist rule in 1945. But the soviet republics (excluding Latvia Lithuania and Estonia) the transition happened in the late 1910s and early 20s. If you were around 25 in Poland during the start of communism you would have been maybe 70 when the iron curtain fell. If you were 25 in 1920 you would be like 95(aka dead)when communism fell. This distance is everything. Capitalism is easier to adopt when you have closer proximity to it. But when almost 100 percent of the population only knows communism problems begin to arise. Why do you think those places basically clapped in the 1990s? And as far as income and development are concerned Russia is the leader among those states. Even though others have oil as well. Azerbaijan anyone? Thats a point that needs to be addressed and added into the archived record.

perception doesn't equal reality.
My state senator got arrested for arms trafficking when I was a teenager.
Real shit. Google it. If perception equaled reality the US would not occupy anything close to the spot it currently has.

>No because Russia would never try to annex us since they need us.
They would never try to annex you? just like when..
*looks at history book*
The potsdamn conference of 1945 through until 1990? Yeah you're right, a large chunk of the modern history of your country being occupied by the Soviets definitely agrees to that statement

First of all, you must be joking if you think capitalism in Poland or Latvia was being rebuilt in the 1990s by the generation of 70/80-year-old grandpas.

South Koreans basically had feudalism up to the 1960s and it didn't stop them from fully embracing modern capitalism already in the 1980s.

>Even though others have oil as well. Azerbaijan anyone?

Azerbaijan is underperforming as well, this is what Russian influence does to your country.

Anyway, your point is to explain why Russia's economic and political system make Russia keep lagging behind other countries in the region. Even if you're right about the reasons still it doesn't change the fact that Russia simply is poor and underdeveloped despite having huge potential for change. Just because they can't trigger this change is already their fault, even if caused by the reasons you mentioned. And countries around Russia have a right to despise and dislike Russia for being like that.

so true!
i heard in finland a politician stole 10 euro and later apologized and gave it back
this is exactly the same as laundering billions and hiring death squads to kill any witnesses which happens in third world countries regularly

>it only counts as support if you send us a thousand tanks and a billion euro every day
This is why nobody likes your kind

>First of all, you must be joking if you think capitalism in Poland or Latvia was being rebuilt in the 1990s by the generation of 70/80-year-old grandpas.
Thier kids. Whose parents remembered the old system and educated their kids about it. Through their actions and stories. AKA the boomers.

>poltards uronically believe there is some intrinsic hatred for Russia among other eastern Europeans and they'd shoot in their own foot just to inflict small harm on Russia

eastern Europeans would gladly welcome a democratic, stable, wealthy Russia. Paradoxically in the early 00s Putin was seen as a promising leader for eastern European countries too, even Poland, which is blamed for "innate" russophobia, was positive about Russia and Putin back then because he recognized the Katyn massacre as a Soviet crime and he just seemed to be a progressive man who could rebuild Russian economy which would be a positive change for the region as a whole. And it kinda worked until 2008, Russian economy grew, Russians imported a lot of products from eastern European countries and eastern European countries bought Russian resources, local enterpreneurs made good money, everyone was happy. It deteriorated a bit during the Georgian war but still Putin was given second chance and things again seemed to be fine until 2014 when he couldn't hide his real intentions anymore.

Listening to what boomers say it’s the most retarded shit one can do. It’s better when you form you own opinion about everything

Ukrainians simply want things which can let them win the war. Obviously support only shown in words is useless for them as they would stop existing after a while.

The Soviets could only occupy Germany with Western assistance. Without Americans backing them up Russian power is very limited. They can't touch Germany and have no intention too.

you misunderstand. They were the generation getting instruction from the previous that has lived under a market economy.

i remember when i'm not browsing 4ch maybe for 2 months
and recently i saw thread where westcucks unironically claimed that Russia is "broken"

dudes wtf stop looking propaganda TV-shows xd

>Without Americans backing them up Russian power is very limited.

I hope you realize it was only true when Germany was still a relevant military force, but now, when Bundeswehra is basically unarmed, it wouldn't be a big problem for Russia to occupy you, even if indirectly (in a form of a puppet state).

Europeans probably don't realize that Ukrainian army is currently the strongest army in Europe, certainly way stronger than German army and if Russia can't deal with Ukraine easily it doesn't mean they would have even bigger problems with Germany

wow russia is so big...

also i posted in that thread and some polak is asked me to make photo of BUTTER

guys, fucking BUTTER bleat' i lold

And it's not an easy choice

>They were the generation getting instruction from the previous that has lived under a market economy.

except it never happened, our capitalists were genocided by the communists, you'd have a really hard time to find a person still alive in the 1990s who had any kind of experience with capitalism before WW2 (like a shop owner, factory owner or something like that). The vast majority of our 90s capitalists were children of farmers and factory workers whose only experience with capitalism pre-WW2 was being the exploited one

My point still stands. Fuck the opinions of the old generation. Fuck the opinion of the new generation educated by the old generation. It’s all the same shite. One conformist gen surpassed by another.
Nobody thinks cause thinking is difficult nigger

We are in NATO unlike Ukraine, Russia has no chance against the US. US troops are still occupying Germany. Russia can't do shit here. Ukraine is their backwater. They arent in NATO, they arent in the EU. We have no obligation to help them. There's no treaty, no pact, nothing. No European country has given them more money then Germany. It's not good enough, they want tanks. We have no tanks since we are surrounded by countries who call us Nazis that want to kill them all day so we gave up on having a military. Too bad.

I browse 2ch and I see there is a lot of panic, especially among IT monkeys, which is enough to tell the economic situation in Russia isn't bright

Is it easy to hook up an Oksanka in Polska?

This is literally the script of Russian state TV to cope with the embarrassment in Ukraine.
No one was calling the Ukrainian army the strongest in Europe 4 months ago.

>No one was calling the Ukrainian army the strongest in Europe 4 months ago.

Because they weren't fully mobilized yet. What's the mobilization potential in Germany, who will they call for arms when a war breaks out, young Turks and Kurds will fight for Berlin?

I don't understand the economy. It really just feels like made up numbers to me.

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anything which is inefficient at killing russians has very little use to Ukraine atm

in Any Forums there are no adequate people left in Any Forums - no-lifers and schoolchildrens. This is the main part of the Any Forums there

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Very German post. I bet you also think about efficiency when you take a shit and wash the shit down the toilet

My investment strategy is to buy 6000 rubles per month, then when Russia finally wins and 1 ruble = 1 dollar I will be very rich. Opinions?

Attached: 89032EC0-87CA-48E3-9091-CBF354ACDE44.jpg (4032x2460, 3.28M)

i only browse /po/


Massive amount of western arms
large standing army.

We also share intel with them and probably have advisers there. Plus, all the arms and money.
We are more or less in charge. Sorta like South Vietnan. But we haven't sent our boys into battle.
We poked the bear and got our response. But not the regime change we have hoped for. But if it's a money and rescores game we have the advantage. We can make them waste a large amount of money, time and manpower. And at worst what do we lose? A country that historically hasn't been in our sphere of influence. Most likely end is another ceasefire like before. But for US the lines on the map don't really matter. Should they?

I think it's a fantastic idea. Be sure to borrow money to exchange in order to increase your gains!

You're right. I will be buying 60000 rubles per month with borrowed money starting from next month.

well idk about situation in IT, but companies seems like not leaving country

someones , who works in western corporations even was relocated xd

our Chairman of the Government - Mishustin - declared some cool things for software developers who will work in Russian companies - deferment from the army, preferential mortgages, special loan conditions

(but I think this has not yet come into force, if my memory serves me right)

>My investment strategy is to buy 6000 rubles per month, then when Russia finally wins and 1 ruble = 1 dollar I will be very rich. Opinions?

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what wrong about thinking how to efficiently kill russians?

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you laugh but us chads will be hoarding the ruble

>our Chairman of the Government - Mishustin - declared some cool things for software developers who will work in Russian companies - deferment from the army, preferential mortgages, special loan conditions

it can only work as long as Russian govt is trustable, the problem is that it is not - since Russian govt denied there would be an invasion against Ukraine just a few days before it started the invasion. Same way it can promise everything to IT workers and cancel it some time later.

Not to mention Russian govt can promise everything but Russian IT devs mostly live on contracts from abroad - if this way of getting income is blocked (because of sanctions, because banks don't transfer money, because western companies simply don't want to hire Russians anymore) then no matter what Russian govt does, things will get worse for IT sector in Russia. Russian market alone is too small to sustain the whole huge IT sector which grew on western orders and Russian IT doesn't really have any other directions it could switch to - China and India have own huge IT sectors and don't need (and want) Russian competition.

I'm not making it up, that's what I read from Russians on 2ch so I guess it's rather fair.

It is just made up numbers.

The amount of cope itt is off the charts

Don't worry, I'm not putting all eggs in one basket. I've been diversifying my FIAT portfolio for quite some time so I also own plenty of Belarussian rubles, Turkish liras, and even rare and valuable Argentinian pesos.

Attached: unnamed.jpg (4032x3024, 2.52M)

>meanwhile the government of this country announces redenomination and you are left alone with a bunch of worthless notes to wipe your ass at best

>Belarussian rubles, Turkish liras, and even rare and valuable Argentinian pesos
Well, now we are talking. Diversified portfolio such as yours, is clearly a sound financial investment

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Are you German diaspora in Poland by any chance?

>German diaspora in Poland

no, im not 80 years old, why do you ask

Similar sense of humor.

why would anyone want to work in IT when the fastest computers you can get in Russia currently are chink processors that are slower than 10 year old intel chips or 5 year old phone chips?

Russia has won

Hoholbros..... its over....

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its hard to sanction a country that is agriculturally independent and rich in energy resources however the standard of living that is already very low will fall further and further in russia

oh no, not mcdonalds and netflix

>once Russia has taken Kiev

Attached: RECENZJOBRAT.gif (272x450, 3.5M)

Oh no what am I going to doooooo!!!

>I don't think so. Consider interviews with their POWs
Doubt Tm. Most of those just seem staged
Beating up powd and making them say shit, Russia was doing the same to some British pows.
> and what sort of things they loot
Crime is gonna always happen when a country invades. Come on man, wether it British or whatever, you know some people will loot for some freebies

Ukraine is a large country and Russia is a massive one. Living standards are going to depend on where people are from. A lot of Russian army is from impoverished eastern regions and thus could have lower living standards than average Ukraine.

>A lot of Russian army is from impoverished eastern regions
Most of them are just people from Tuva and that place as a hdi similar to Moldova.
Nevertheless I still think most Russians live better than ukranians.