I've been told for years that I'm missing out not having children...

I've been told for years that I'm missing out not having children. Explain to me why you would want to bring a kid into this mess
>gas and food prices going through the roof
>no baby formula
>incoming food shortages
>incoming monkey pox lock down
>teachers grooming kids
>you will be forced to home school the kids that you have no food or money for if you want any chance of them not being degenerate
>women leave and or cheat when things get tough, no loyalty from the kids mother unless you get really really lucky
>its all progressive and all the current issues we have are only going to grow

Why bring a kid into this mess?

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Kids don't run on diesel
Unless you're in the USA where they put the same corn in both the fuel and the food

yeah just don’t reproduce you’re dumb

Get a job lazy poorfag
The only real problem there is finding a good female. The other stuff you can get solutions if you are not a low and idiot.

bc muh white race
quick, pump out some babies that you dont have enough power to protect from lgbt
preferably as young as possible to gurantee minimum life experience

and remember to get divorced once your kids are old enough to be indoctrinated in schools,
we wouldnt want them to have an actual father figure, wouldnt we?

Most of those things you wouldn't even know about if you weren't autistically obsessed with doom news. Day to day, you might notice higher prices but if you have a job and no real responsibilities you'll be fine. Stop letting Fox News culture war headlines dictate your world view.

the government will feed my 10 kids

>Day to day, you might notice higher prices but if you have a job and no real responsibilities you'll be fine.

hes talking about having a kid, dumbshit

not all you americans are retarded
but the most retarded are all americans

i think its the hubris that makes you so
like now:
so full of yourself that you dont even think about what you type or the context thereof

>Get a job lazy poorfag
if you make less than 25 dollars an hour while trying to raise a kid you arent gonnna make it and its only going to get more expensive to be alive. If i were to have a kid, id want to have a good life for them. Not living in a trailer living off ramen

when you got stacks almost every woman is a good woman.

i think you have neither.

It's weird how that fence post suddenly appears in 2021 and moves off to the right a year later.

This has all been done to specifically demoralize you and convince you that procreation is a bad idea. So the smart man does the opposite and spits in the jews eyes by having 5+ children and raising them to have racial pride.

Not the same gas station, clouds are different

I honestly don’t know how these prices are fucking so many people up, don’t get me wrong, I hate globohomo and them trying to squeeze the middle class, but how irresponsible are you guys with money that the gas prices are actually fucking you up that bad? If you eat out more than once a month or buy frivolous shit then you’re a wasteful stupid faggot.


Kids are the reason you fight tooth and fucking nail to defeat this evil. There's a maturity, drive, and clear-headedness that can only come from being tangibly invested in the future

Apparently you don't even have a woman, so the point is moot anyway

Because its not just gas prices. Its stagnant wages over the years, its food prices, its gas prices. And its just getting worse. Gas will be higher in six months than it is today, but most people will be making the same income. Its costing more to be alive. its just not one single thing.

Exactly how I've felt for all my life. Fuck humanity, fuck this gay earth. Don't create anymore slaves for the jews to rape. Just get what you can and check out, there is no such thing as a just and loving God, because if there were then the people who rule over us wouldn't exist.

kids are pretty shit for the first few years.
after they can talk and think they get better.
the world will be shit and has always been shit, regardless of if you have kids.

The biggest middle finger you can give to the Jews is to create a large, White, Christian family aware of their game.

Stop the blackpilling bullshit. They don't want you to reproduce and you're letting them win. Schlomo literally rubs his hands together with glee when he sees posts like yours.

I understand this, but it still shouldn’t be a big issue. I’ve got a wife, 2 kids, and a mortgage, I’m also the sole bread winner, I’m still saving over $2k a month on a $100k salary.
Literally just cook at home and don’t make frivolous purchases, I know that’s what you’re all doing. I’m not saying this isn’t a big deal, but if you can’t even control your spending during this shit then you’re ngmi.

so they first four years they are just expensive blobs of nothing. And ill give you this, from age 5-12 they seem pretty fun and based. Then they are annoying teenagers. Then they move away and you see them on holidays and maybe a random visit here and there for the rest of your life. Doesnt seem worth 7 cool years you have them

>Kids are the reason you fight tooth and fucking nail to defeat this evil.
And just how many kleptokikes have you sent back to hell today, Nimrod?

>$100k salary.
sure, I guess i should have put in the OP

"if you have a lot of money and or really good genetics, have kids"

Most have neither. Most americans live paycheck to paycheck. 100K plus is pretty rare. I made 40k last year

Go talk to girls

>be poor
>make $40k
>marry woman
>she makes $40k
>you now make $80k
It’s not hard.

All of you faggots crying about the world have weak genes and deserve to have your pathetic lineage ended. The history of the world has always been one of struggle. Throughout the history of our ancestors they have continued to produce children and fight for their place in this world. Without their struggles our race would have ended long ago.
Nature hates the weak. Think about this next time you are crying about gas prices or how unfair the world is. By failing to reproduce and fight for your children's future you have already given the Jew exactly what he wanted.

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because past generations also faced nightmares like this you big fat dumb idiot.

But instead of wacking off to chinese cartoons and playing bidja games, they actually did their best to take on responsibility and try to make the world better for those children.

Thats what every single ancestor of yours did, and now you think you've figured it all out.

Bubonic plague wasn't bad enough your ancestors didn't want to have kids.

The Great Depression wasn't bad enough your ancestors didn't want to have kids.

Tyrants and Despots of the past weren't bad enough your ancestors didn't want to have kids.

And now you have been given the easiest life there possibly is.

You are a dead end. This world isn't for you or your genetics. You've been filtered. Please continue watching marvel movies and eating corn syrup while the rest of us do our best to turn this mess around.

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Based and the only correct answer

You are basing your concept of childhood on your spoiled upbringing. Imagine not wanting to raise warriors to recolonize the wastelands.

>i think its the hubris that makes you so
oh, get some self-awareness and fuck off. i do raids with dutch/german/belgian fags all the time and, even though most of those guys are my friends, almost all of them are self-important to the point of delusional. i have yet to meet a dutchfag from friesland who doesnt unironically think he is better than other europeans because of it. most of you genuinely believe where youre born dictates your station in life. its like youre all stuck in a nobility mindset.

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You have what some billion ancestors who were all sacrificed to bring you into existence?
Out of that number what... maybe... 12 of them were humans who lived in opulent liberal societies?
For the rest it was hard.
Life was a hard grind.
Why is your perspective so narrow that your only point of reference is some fleeting moment of unsustainable liberalism?
Grow up.

So now you want me to become even more blackpilled? Make up your mind, your advice is all over the place.

>take on responsibility and try to make the world better for those children.
That all changed with the boomers.

and? 90% of the people here dont make that kind of money idiot
>durr just be rich and youll be fine

>That pic.

81 million votes!

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I didn’t always make $100k, I was raising a family in a big city on $60k before and was fine.
You just spend money on stupid shit like vidya, admit it faggot.

I bring home 50k, have a wife and 3 kids and $700 per month in disposable income. Prior to December I only made 42k. Prior to fall 2019 I only made 23k.

Stop believing the blackpill. Start taking charge of your life.

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i have everything covered but my problem is that i've bpd and get these extreme anxiety and depression periods which kill me from inside little by little, i'm pretty sure i will kys myself before i hit 60 years

Because the system needs new bodies to function. Please understand. Anyone shilling for kids is a glowie.

>be poor
>make $40k
>marry woman you don't love because jfc I just want to stop being poor
>she makes $40k
>surprise, surprise, she doesn't love you either
>cheats on you and divorces your ass, any kids you had aren't even yours and you're stuck paying child support and alimony
>you now make $20k, she makes $60k, and you're poorer than ever
Great fucking plan, shithead.

Read the Bible and learn how to cast out demons. Stop listening to the pharmakikes. It's that simple.

Lmao imagine being this much of a fucking incel loser where the basic human act of reproducing makes you a "glowie"

Get away from the PC and stand in some sunlight

$25/hr is pretty easy to come by right now honestly. That’s $50k/yr.
Just stop spending money to eat out, play vidya, etc etc.
Go to a fight gym or something for you free time, it’s like $50-$100/month for basically unlimited entertainment and training, or start gardening in your yard, or spend $300 on a bow and arrows and practice archery behind your house, if you cook for yourself you’ll be pretty busy with that too.

What's it like only seeing the world through shit tinted glasses?

Not gonna contribute hahahaha
Not gonna have kids, not gonna pay taxes, not gonna care.
Debtmaxxing then offing some niggers then myself.

Must suck to be such a loser user, sorry.
Maybe you really shouldn’t have kids.

Very realistic. You should try it sometime.

I think it's a great thing these limp-wristed pussies are weeding themselves out of the gene pool

Also, checked

>Marry a woman because you're desperate for her piddling $40k/yr

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I do, and I see what women are today and how men are drained by them and this fucking society. Let it all fall apart.

Who raises the kids, dipshit

What's with America and the 9/10 on the price?

This. Just put your head in the sand and it'll all go away.

shabbos goyim teachers and tranny story hours