Popular Any Forums archive gets taken down

The wakarimasen archive is down
The file I posted now apppears when you access the archive site "archive.wakarimasen.moe"
What are the political implications of archives getting shut down?

Attached: wakarimasen archive is down.gif (500x280, 350.64K)

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Temp probably.. still magnet backups

are there backups of it?

The only good Any Forums archive is 4plebs

Almost every other is either slow, unreliable or not consistently updated.


that fag do that every year to scam money

who knows maybe their server drives broke and lost the data, maybe the owner died with no one to carry it on

Wow one of many archives had some server problem that's rough my dude

You do know there are other boards?
Not just s4s,pol and some other

kek there's no magnet of wakarimasen he don't even host the majority of his files

kek imagine being a filthy crossposter

I browse /pmg/

I meant backups of Any Forums archives, not wakarimasen
But it's the same shit so who cares?

The archives as a whole do need to be shutdown. Having everything backed up is fucking lame. The point is supposed to be deleted after I post, not hanging out there forever somewhere.

Litterally 50 more

Name them


I fucking hate this, so much more interesting stuff gets lost forever.
But people will forget about this after a while and "move on" as usually. And another window will be forever shifted.

Any archives that go further back in time?

I have a big ass list of interesting threads
What do i do with them?

4plebs and .moe cover all the boards between them

.moe just got shut down
lay off the blunt

Aurolacule, archived(dot)moe.
You think there was only one?

there is that one but it dosent have search enabled

if you Ctrl-U

wonder what's that supposed to mean

You're retarded a.f
Sure you're not a bozgor?
Search works just fine, tried it right now

desuarchive's Any Forums archive goes the furthest back in time, to february 2008

there is also at least one limited early archive that covers from 2006 to 2008, various boards

on selective boards
archived.moe/pol/search/text/faggot/ shows "Error! Sorry, this board does not have search enabled."
and there was some other limitation I can't recall.

4plebs is for pol digging, moe is for the trash boards
Stop embarrassing the flag already