What are they proud of?
Having gay sex?
I don’t get it.
What a waste off time!

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>proud for misusing body functionality god gave to man

If you have to repeat something over and over again it's because it's not true. If it was it reinforces itself and people don't question it. Falls into the same bag as "fat women are beautiful".

pride is the first and father of all sin, it opens the doorway for every other sin against GOD and HIS natural order

Pride is one of the 7 deadly sins, makes you wonder ((who)) is behind all this circus

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Dunno mate just like cock (and G*d made me that way for whatever reason)

you are not of the LORD, sorry

I don't give a shit, your "LORD" is a fucking clown who contradicts himself constantly

But why do you have to flaunt it?
It’s not like I’m making parades for the women I fucked..

It's a life style you chose

Heil corona

Attached: corona-chan-corona-virus.gif (448x498, 1.42M)

I don't
You don't notice me because I don't

I was NPC-default-mode-homophobic before I realised I was bisexual. It was not a choice. There is no way to turn off the fleeting feeling of seeing a pretty boy much like there is no way to turn off the fleeting feeling of seeing a pretty girl. Try and turn it off. you fucking cant mate. thats how our reptile brains are wired

>It was not a choice
It is. You decide who you do and don't sleep with. It's that simple

He didn't choose to be abused as a kid.

I wasn't abused as a kid. I just had a distanced father

Ok, so stop sleeping with women. It's just a choice. It's that simple.

Maybe you should, they'd probably take it as huge compliment

It brings a lot of us together. There is still a lot of people who hate us, we face discrimination. With a community around us, we can lean on one another and help right those wrongs.

Also, since we are such a small minority, having a once per year meetup is fun.

>Ok, so stop sleeping with women
Why? I like making that choice
>It's just a choice. It's that simple.
Yes. My choices don't make me feel guilty. Do yours?

>Why? I like making that choice
Me too!
>Yes. My choices don't make me feel guilty. Do yours?

You're going to get the monkey pox, with blisters on your penis and in your anus.

>we face discrimination
Everyone does. Yoy somehow think yours is above others though

I'm glad you agree it's a choice then. Thanks :)

Agreed. You know what's based? Being proud of being White. I love being a traditionalist fascist authoritarian ethnonationalist. Hitler brings me a lot of pride. Heil Hitler and hail Saint Payton!

Excuse me you fucking faggot? This is Any Forums. We are the global center of the anti-homosexual movement. We are the last bastion of traditional Christian values. Get gassed, kike.

You can say this for literally any discriminated group

I didn't say that. It's a choice to sleep with the same sex, it's not a choice to be attracted to the same sex. Americhonkers can't wrap their lead brains around this


You crave shit, you deserve what is coming.

>Can’t say God
Faggot jew

>any discriminated group
That's everyone
>I didn't say that.
You just demonstrated it

Yeah. Most people not born rich will face discrimination.

Still kinda ghey.