Is Anime corrupting the youth of today?

Is Anime corrupting the youth of today?

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if you promote sexualisation youre on the side of the faggots.

>Reich argued that the reason why German fascism (i.e., Nazism) was chosen over communism was that of increased sexual repression in Germany
aka have sex incel

>Suppression of the natural sexuality in the child, particularly of its genital sexuality, makes the child apprehensive, shy, obedient, afraid of authority, good and adjusted in the authoritarian sense; it paralyzes the rebellious forces because any rebellion is laden with anxiety; it produces, by inhibiting sexual curiosity and sexual thinking in the child, a general inhibition of thinking and of critical faculties
aka grooming

printed in 1933.
and pol still hasnt learned

stop posting cuck shit for fuck sakes, you are literally part of the fucking problem. by posting art from bbc cuck porn

epic trooncord thread

>if you promote sexualisation youre on the side of the faggots.

your argument literally goes against your point unless you are making a typo.

you literally just proved that by suppressing child sexualization you are basicly a groomer,
and thats exactly what christcucks are doing with their moralist culture.

Troons use it to learn how to "behave as a woman"... says it all, doesnt it? Many such cases. Sad!

If anything, red-pilling them on why there are way more white-skinned Asians as a representation of white. A breath of fresh air from the nigger jew tranny shitted shit on tv.

when is minecraft 1.19 oming out tho

lmao youre retarded.
these are quotes form a book.

how is that proof?
whats next, you wil bring up star wars and use it to disprove quantum theory? lmfao

you mutts are retarded.
put anything in greentext and drop a source and you take it as gospel

>Jewish psychoanalysis
>on Wikipedia
How surprising

the funny part is they dont dare to have an article in german

are you retarded?

how am i a mutt? im literally arguing against everything they parrot, literally all mutts are jewish golems and christ cucks and want to raise the age of consent to 30 and ban all porn. and constantly talks about groomers and morals

also im literally calling out op for posting bbc cuck porn as op's bait post, something that mutts do all the time

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Wow nice power render
>Non-moon runes


isekaishit yes, shonen not really. I grew up with blaech and nardo


>was chosen over communism
Why was this a problem? Oh yeah a jew seeks to get more resources from non-jews. Leeching is less effective when you're all dead.

Yes, that's why we banned it.

Humans are sexual, to talk about sexualizing a person is like talking about wetting the water

It's an escape from corruption within your local environment.
Having said that, a lot of animes are corrupt and degenerate.

>snek memeflaggot
>defends pedos

yeah, ameriwhore 100% confirmed

It's literally just a medium like any other. You miaswell ask if books are corrupting the youth.

100% it's not even debatable
Look at the trannies, they all love that shit

oh yeah?
humans are murderous.
guess what happens when you present murdering as a measure of success?

youre an absolute retard

Weebs are genetic dead ends so their problem ends with them.


No, everything else is corrupting our youth. Anime is still mostly not corrupted by the woke virus. That's why so many people turn to it. If they turn to western TV shows they see niggers everywhere taking up important roles while white men play the bad guys. They see the Mary sue women that lesbian feminists demand. It's disgusting.

I think if there were better non-woke alternatives people would not go to anime.

Attached: NAZI-Anime-Girl.png (318x302, 99.06K)

Nigger, humans REPRODUCE by sexual contact and it's important for bonding in relationships and stress relief.
Murdering ends life, sex is how we create new life

they're your quotes

What I mean that sexualization is a sex negative feminist bs

What you mean must be hypersexualization