Redpill me on nerve gas

Redpill me on nerve gas

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your mama

It really hits the nerve

Shit gets on my nerves

The nerve gas is.....and you careful not to.....and post importantly......dangerous...

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its gas that affects your nerves

It's always get on my nerves when I read nerve gas.

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its the #1 leading cause of death

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Holy fuck how fast did that spread while setting that whole line of trees on fire

nerve gas

That's a train full of gasoline. A bunch spills on the road and then gets ignited by the car moving over to the right at the beginning. You can then see the tops blowing off the train cars as they cook off.

Fucking nuts.

Found it

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nerve gas, it's excreted when you're nervous... all the drivers were very nervous then the nerve gas exploded, hope this explains it

Fucking wild
i bet neither of these newfags bumped the 2 /vdg/ threads I made today

It makes chuds nervous

Is produced in you mother ass lol. When she preggo with you she linke she ass and pucci with funnel and fart on you with she nerve gas LMAO

It's annoying, it gets on your nerves.

mother: *BRAAAPPP*
OP: AHHHHH, ples no more mother. It hurt

LOOOOL. PIC is OP in mothers tummy hahaha

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Wtf dude

Sure. It affects your acetylcholinesterase (AChE) receptors by binding to the active site and blocking it. This prevents the degradation of acetylcholine in the synapse, which leads to hyper-excitation of the nerves. You go into convulsions and die. These are your organophosphate insecticides. Off the top of my head I’m trying to remember, I think they are naturally thiol groups, but become toxic when the S is replaced with an O. This is also your sarin gas