I was wondering, anyone here interacted with sub Saharan Africans in Africa? Not African Americans...

I was wondering, anyone here interacted with sub Saharan Africans in Africa? Not African Americans, not the selective who managed to immigrate but the average sub Saharan Africans.

If so, how did it go? What were your assumptions beforehand? Did any of your assumptions change? Did you witness anything relating to the lower average IQs in African countries (not education, intellect I mean)

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I have not, but I am aware of the very low opinion that most SS Africans have for the whining, entitled, professional victim mentality that's resides in so many black Americans.

And apparently (I don't know of stats on this) genuine African Americans (i.e. new immigrants from Africa) are significantly more successful than indigenous black Americans.

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>I was wondering, anyone here interacted with sub Saharan Africans in Africa?
No, just with mulatos

why are the eyes all fucked up? see it all the time in african negroes. is it malaria? hepatitis? what is going on.

yeah id say they are very nice people from what i have seen

>how did it go

hard thick engorgement sustained for what seems like hrs. attracted to soft fem bois in sundresses. uwu

Iraqi boy, you've already got too much to worry about some niggers in South Sudan, where the people themselves decided to make life even worse for themselves. Don't be like them.

The excess melanin literally stains the sclera.

>Sub-Saharan Africans in Africa

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Visited a SS African country on vacation. They're funny people, very social. But it's not possible to group them all together. Huge number of national, cultural and ethnic groups in Africa.

No, didn't notice anything on the IQ part. Normal for the most part. The ones trying to sell you stuff on the street seem to be even sharper of wit that average. Could be a trained pitch though.

That's my 2 cents.

Yeah, the ones in rural villages not affected by war or poverty were actually genuinely happy. They didn’t even use money, just traded things. Very friendly and hospitable but I don’t think I could live in the bush the way they do.

In the Cities and less rural but poor areas it was dangerous and not so nice mostly.

Modernization of Africa happened too quickly. It was a mistake

dont white people have their babies penises cut off once they are born?

I fucked a bunch of them and caught herpes

Two Ethiopians, one of them was a very smart girl. She constantly ranted about how disgusting Somalians are, and hated Africans in general.

Also worked with a guy from South Sudan. He was an absolute retard and his native wife called him nigger at staff parties, which we weren't allowed to scold her for, because she was native and probably wouldn't understand anyway

youre an incel

I knew few people from Ghana and Kenya, they were hilarious. I have mixed feelings about Nigerians but they are mostly chill. I don't even want to talk to American niggers.

It's actually monkeypox

Without researching I wouldnt have a hard time buying that explanation

Lol. No.
I’m an old Coomer and has fucked more hookers than pubes on your dick lady

Nah, it’s herpes

A few years ago in college I had to "coach" some foreign sub Saharan dude from Cameroon, I think.
I expected it to be a chore but god damn it was worse than this. The guy was so dumb, when I asked if he understood something I just explained, he would say yes and then ask the same thing the next minute. Zero initiative, he would just wait to be told what to do and then would half-assedly do it. He was also literally unable to be on time.
I disliked those people before, now I despise them.

Nigerians are actually pretty good, however Ebo are utter cunts

Shitty nutrition doesnt make exactly smart people.
Would anything change?

I worked with two guys from Ghana not long ago. Both hated the american niggers with a passion. Incredible hatred for our niggers. I'd get put in jail for saying the things they said openly in front of everyone about niggers. I miss those guys.

no, you’re thinking of semites

Were you rawdogging them, or was it the rare case of catching herpes even with condom?

I certainly cut off my boys dicks, and they're all the better for it, apart from the unquenchable rage that leads them to be serial rapist-murderers every night.

I work with them on cruise ships. They're lazy af. Obviously nobody expects you to be gung-ho about working menial jobs for megacorporations but they'll often be lazy to their own detriment. For example they'll pass up evening shifts because they're more crowded and busy even though you can make three times as much. They'll also spend on retarded stuff and gamble away much of what they make.
They make good drinking buddies but I'd sooner trust a random stranger than one of these guys - given word means nothing to them and I've seen many people get burned by entrusting them with something. On the plus side, they're pretty honest unlike say Indians, Pakistanis or SEA guys who are scheming little brown nosers. Ironically these African guys don't have the slave mentality of Asians, they just don't give a fuck about anything including themselves

No, that's literally a nigger and sandnigger thing.

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Black people are totally okay, issue is American culture.