Eurofag here, explain me CRT

Can an American teach me what about CRT is incorrect? I see a lot of stories about CRT being banned in schools in the states, I am wondering what is false about it?

Attached: 75e3abc1da2aa0ccd4f79c44be5e13d2.jpg (735x542, 31.06K)

Attached: Critical-Race-Theory-is-jewish.jpg (2330x3538, 2.64M)

memeflag faggot

Ok I get it, you hate jews.. But what's incorrect about CRT?

Low quality

its just a doctrine that's defined and derived by the observation of Marxist/socialist societies.

its goal is to target minorities and children and use their identities to destabilize people towards radicalization and authoritarianism.

comes in the form of CRT, gender theory queer theory, mostly.

I'm not explaining anything to a nigger.

Low quality
Cool but what is incorrect about the theory

It incorrectly blames abstractions, people perpetrated those indignities, name them..but they wont. Abstractions like whitness, will be blamed instead of those wholly responsible for these historical crimes. These family's live today, but they'd sooner have people blame groups of people who ancestor came here after ww1 and ww2.

Can you say it again in English I am ESL and I am thoroughly amazed at how an American's English can be so incomprehensible

typically we dont want our institutions promoting doctrines that are used to destabilize people.

for the same reason we keep religion out of our institutions.

No, do better to understand

Oh okay interesting but what is incorrect about the theory though
Trust me no one understands that attempt at communication

You do

> T.


Attached: black-anon-here.jpg (251x200, 9.16K)

Can an American explain to me CRT?
>*bunch of words I don't know the meaning too in horrible indecipherable prose I think means something and horrible grammar wordsalad*
Either speak in english or I am going to ignore you.
>not my fault you can't understand chudspeak!

I get it, you're mad, but what is incorrect about CRT?

He couldn't have made it more detailed yet concise and simple. That image has all the information you need to have your question answered. If that's all you got from it then you're not asking your question in good faith, and are just here to troll and irritate. Sage and up your ass faggot.

Nothing in that image answers the question "What is incorrect about CRT", next.

>incorrect about the theory though

essentially its creates scenarios like this wear down syndrome people like you have 0 comprehension skills and adopt the doctrine out of stupidity.

I get it, you like to ad-hom, but what's incorrect about CRT?

Define "correct" in this context

I don't give a fuck, anything, 22 posts so far and everyone is running away from the question kek. I think I may have identified a weak spot?

>running away from the question
What question? Anyway, "correctness", whatever that means here, is irrelevant.

>I think I may have identified a weak spot?
>essentially its creates scenarios like this were down syndrome people like you have 0 comprehension skills and adopt the doctrine out of stupidity.

called it


Basically, CRT is just as true as you memeflaggot being an actual European.

Its places historical blame at the feet of abstractions (like whitness) that otherwise would be placed at the feet of old banking familys, who were the only true beneficiary of slavery. Banking familys that still exist today in a big way, the population exodus out of europe after ww1 and ww2 make claims that many white familys are reasonable for the sins of the past, when a large portion of them emigrated after the 1900s. Alot of CRT is based of the work of howard zinn, who also like to blame abstractions for complex world issues being perpetrated by a select few. If benifit them to obfuscate history, when these beneficiaries are the main perpetrators of historical malice.


What? This isn't a gloryhole.

You failed to answer a simple question, Next.
social constructs*, families*, immigrated*, benefit*
And that's just the spelling. You really tried to get uppity when I told you that your previous post was indecipherable? Comon, you know you don't know a lick of English. Here's a tip, work on your English skills overall before you take out the thesaurus...
I'm going to be honest with you man, even after you extrapolated I still can't understand what the fuck you are even saying. The most I got out of it was "it places blame on white people (even though I understand white race is a social construct), "banks bad", "howard zinn bad"
I'm sorry man but I can't engage with you if you can't formulate a coherent argument.

Anyone else want up to bat?
It's really easy, just answer a simple question:
What is incorrect about CRT?

CRT is the theory that people need to be judged by their race through the lens of history. I find it to be racist.

Black person needs +20 victim points, even though he's an African immigrant whos rich parents who sold slaves
White person from a poor country who came to america in the last 100 years deserves -20 points even though his family were serfs, never owned slaves and worked themselves to death before 50 to become middle class

Sounds like u understand just fine.. be disingenuous because you know nothing about the subject matter

CRT takes real events (and greatly exaggerated and falsified ones like the Tulsa "race massacre") and hyper-focuses on them, pinning the blame squarely on white people, all white people living or dead whether than had anything to do with them or not, for seemingly no other reason than to sew discord and resentment. Like if you are black, which I highly doubt you are, what exactly has CRT *done* for you? Do you think race relations are better now than they were 15 years ago? Has the world gotten less crazy? Do you think they'll ever get around to that "economic justice" part? Do you really think constant stoking of resentment and grievances are gonna make anyone get along better? Or are you just seething on Any Forums along with the white racists?

>What is incorrect about CRT?
It's not a simple question because CRT is a social construct. Define what is CRT to you.

That's not answering the question Ivan

Nope, I don't. Sorry bud, you might have to find a new thread, so far I have been able to decipher everyones post here but yours, due to your English.

Answer a simple quesition: when will you stop sucking dicks?


So never, considering your gloryhole-servicing habits.

was trying to bait you into this incel rant myself with miss a spelled word.


people of average IQ have the ability to infer, you're openness about your lack of that ability is very telling.

i promise, you're really as stupid as you think you are.
