Why do you give them your Power?

This site and many others operate as a psychic feedback loop. You see shit online, you accept it, you talk about it, it amplifies. The reason they’re fighting over twitter is because it’s one of the biggest cybernetic feedback loops on the planet. TPTB can create a hyperstitional narrative, feed it into the algorithm and it takes shape in millions of minds which shape consensus reality.

Stop giving them the power of your mind to shape reality and start envisioning the type of future you want,
You cant stop the wheel from turning but you can direct it in a new direction. DO NOT give them the monkey pox reality they so desperately desire. It’s a vaccine side effect. There will not be another pandemic. It’s all a distraction. Recognize the power of your own mind to shape consensus reality,

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most people are too stupid to avoid falling into this trap though

isn't tulpa the whole thing around pussy?
the fuck is egregore (first I thought it's an anagaram); is that something to do with engorged vital organs?
>hyperstitional trick
I only ever heard of hypersonic tricks
not to mention brasilian tier emotes

Agree OP. Ignore and/or sage all monkeypox related threads.

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>he honestly believes it’s us making these threads and not outside sources being paid

Maybe but Any Forums‘s instant collective behavior is to counter culture and deny any affect of other groups

>if you ignore it it goes away

I believe we’re actually happening junkies and we create the things we hate so we can later get mad at it when it comes to fruition
We push pandemic fake fear knowing it will cause something we hate so we can later say why is this fake thing happening without realizing we did it
I believe Any Forums created leftists in this same way and gives every single talking point
We are more than counter contrarian we actually supply our own nightmare so we can hate it after without the ability to connect that we are memeing this nightmare like manifestation

This is "The Secret" levels of hippie nonsense



A Tulpa is a living entity, typically in Tibetan Buddhist practices, that can be created by the group meditating.

An egregore is the west mystery school version. You “feed” it with life: some groups use sex magick while repeating the entities given name, others sacrifice children. Launching a violent war is another way to feed blood to the egregore.

Hyperstition is a successful idea in the arena of culture. 98% of everyone is retarded and can be easily manipulated into giving up the power of their mind and helping cogitator and manifest a specific timeline.

This is one of the great secrets and supreme weapons of secret societies. You don’t know your own power.

I’m speaking to those that don’t know. They’re a captive audience. This website uses cookies to track your history and amplify user behaviour in certain directions. It’s just cybernetic feedback loops feeding on the participants.

It's never been here in first place. Because it's another scam. And you are helping shills by talking about it.

magic is real, they use black magic, blood magic, and the magic described here. This is a spiritual battle.

Talking about it, acknowledging it is already losing to it. You give it power with your attention.

begone cianigger

we are made in God's image
God is a creator
He creates with his thoughts and his words
we are made in God's image

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Except it’s actually how timelines are born. The Lodge I’m a member of manifested this one w/ the pandemic as a mass culling. There’s timeline wars happening. The danger of summoning this one was the subsequent ones born and the constriction of options.

Ah well, the normies do in effect all run on "localized" (as in their particular current network of interaction) noospheric feedback loops. Primarily an amygdala-driven groupthink relying on emotional facial cues during a direct conversation, so the "seeding" of ideas performed online has to cover a critical mass of them and create a similar emotional response so they later reinforce it within the IRL feedback loop.

>I believe we’re actually happening junkies
No, we want to know when things are actually happening as early as possible to be prepared. Many (most?) people here don't want live altering happenings (yeah I know some doomers do).

go back to your jew overlords, golem.

Great! Put a noose about your neck, Nigger.

because of this nigger, i'm going to keep talking about monkey pox, everyone needs to freak out over this as much as humanly possible.

Yeah, I figured that out as well. These are evil entities that don't have the power to create this reality like we do. However, they do everything in their power to convince us of the realities they want to create through us. I usually ignore most of these threads and ideas meant to seed new terrors into this reality and they never manifest. Covid only happened because I started coming to Any Forums and letting those ideas about a pandemic take root. I won't be fooled again. Now I just come here to see what ridiculous ideas the demons are pitching next so I can laugh at them. I've grown bored with this so now I'm going to put my psychic energy into destroying them and building a better world.

Do you want to see Russia reduced to globohomo former republics, filled with African immigrants? Then listen up.

Yeah they just go blank when you try to explain it

You’re inconsequential. Once anyone is aware of the trick, it loses its magick.


It doesnt matter, i will make thread here every single dday at peak america hours to talk about the dangers posed by kerplunkeypox.

Yeah I need better mental discipline and less reading rot on Any Forums

I too use my mason bumper sticker to speed everyday and drive without tags.