Why did TRS stagnate and fall apart? Is it really all down to Mike Friedman...

Why did TRS stagnate and fall apart? Is it really all down to Mike Friedman, Jose Jordan and Jesse Dunstein or is it a bigger problem of the right wing refusing to organize and commit to a cause and a single leader

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you still don’t understand and I wont tell you

They cucked when Philip got arrested

Who is Philip?

They are all Jewish.

>yeah but theyre based Jews
>those are /ourjews/
>they are fighting the same fight we are

Russia shills

Jesse's not. I don't think.

I tried joining a pool party and these faggots basically asked me to doxx myself, send them my social media and tell them my life story so they can build a file on me. TRS is glowing brighter than 1000 suns and is 100% a honeypot. Maybe not everyone in the TRS network is aware of it, but Mike Peinovich is 100% a fed and one day all of this will come to light.

I turned to TRS for a bit after Cantwell got put in the slammer.. the show was 70% banter and entertained me for awhile but honestly Sven has such a shitty negative personality I didn't find myself enjoying the show anymore. despite his bad luck with the law, Cantwell is 10x smarter and far more enjoyable to listen to. also, it got really annoying listening to them talk about the Holocaust for several hours a week. Literally no one cares

They're ugly 3rd worldists, nobody wants to be a part of that

I like the holocaust stuff. I had no idea our whole postwar order was built on jew lies. Because of them, I'm not in the "it didn't happen, but the kikes deserved it" category. I never thought I'd think this way.

I meant to write, I'm now in... I really don't think it happened, but the kikes deserved worse.

Out of all the retards who organized Charlottesville, Mike/TRS is the only one who got away with it.
We have accused everyone of being feds, but why aren’t they being protected if that’s the case?
> Anglin
Site shut down, fled the US to avoid jail
> Spencer
Millions of dollars is fines from the civil lawsuit
> Cantwell
Railroaded for bullshit charged and still in prison

Meanwhile TRS continues to operate unmolested and in the open. This tells me all I need to know about who is a fed in this space.

>Why did TRS stagnate and fall apart?
You're thinking of Fuentes

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All White nationalist organizations fall apart because nobody is inspired by Whiteness. Jared Taylor is the only guy in the scene who isn't grifting on some level and even he knows that it's useless. Whites will be a minority and then some other group (probably the Whiter spics and Asians) will be granted White status and we'll be a majority again.

>Why did TRS stagnate and fall apart?

It's literally bigger than ever. Sage

I don't know what you're talking about. The last FTN was great

How do you expect to be vetted without not doxing yourself to them?
