It begins

it begins
>official uk guidance

Attached: file.png (417x497, 159.22K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Now it's 21 days
Next it will be >366 days in isolation"

vax pox

Don't worry, user. They wouldn't lock us down again.


Another monkeypox thread even though there are literal hundreds made, its a slide thread pic related they keep making threads to hide this picture

Attached: 834750691759.png (1542x1265, 1.18M)

It’s over

>unprotected direct contact
anal sex between men

Attached: 1597957011454.png (644x942, 97.41K)

We haven't even recovered from gorona, now we're getting fuckrd by monke pox

if its a slide thread how about we talk about china continuing to get ready to invade taiwan and iran/isreal conflict hyping up with possible shutdown of the persian gulf.

Oh I'm sorry, user. What did you want to talk about?
I heard Bill Maher was trending on Twitter.
That's neat, huh?
What are your opinions on Amber Heard?

people will read this like it means being unmasked.
but you are correct.
our news has been severely silent on it being about sex, particularly gay.

Fucking hot

This looks more fun than covid.

easier to leave it out entirely than risk writing "man" or "men" in a way that won't upset some dangerhair fuckface on Twitter.

Literal schizophrenia kek

>unprotected direct contact with the virus
They mean if you’ve had unprotected gay anal sex with a man. It’s a faggot disease

Wrong. It's unprotected sex with a nigger. MONKEY pox.

Since we've stopped vaccinating young people for smallpox they might be more susceptible to it than the elderly. And it has an actual 10% mortality rate. This might be the virus to solve the zoomer question.

What's "unprotected" direct contact?
Is this an STD or is it spread by droplets?

It seems like that but they are also claiming its spread like smallpox and via droplets.