Why is America so fucking creative?

Seriously, just think of the amount of inventions that came from America. The assembly line, and light bulb, the phonograph, the first successful airplane -- shitloads of others. Even the internet is an American invention. And rock music is an American invention along with many other genres like techno, which is largely an American invention from Chicago and Detroit.

Why is America so damn creative?

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Radio too, invented by Americans

To end the onerous kike menace in the world.

Satan doesn’t leave materialist bros hanging. We have our reward.

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Even the modern conception of the vampire is more American than European. Bram Stoker was inspired by the American vampire scare in Rhode Island in the early 1890s.


niggers did it

Bram Stoker didn’t invent vampires retard. He invented the vampire Dracula because he was a heretic who didn’t know Vlad the Impaler was totally based and is in heaven now.

Sure, you can say Europe produced more of the great theoretical scientists and philosophers, and this is true. But when it comes to practical inventors, America reigns supreme.

The US is like to practical, hard-headed Rome to Europe's theoretical and sentimental Greece.

freedom of thought, expression and association within a competitive environment. insist upon these things and fight for your rights before its too late.

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Learn to read, dumbass. I never said Bram Stoker invented the vampire. I said his immediate inspiration came from the New England vampire scare that was a world media sensation in the early 1890s when he began writing. The modern conception of the vampire is more American than European in its features.

probably had to do with the fact that europe was going through a lot of revolutions and war during the 1800's and early 1900's.

You have a lot of people and imported from other countries. If you compare inventions by US-born Americans per capita to those of the UK or France you'd fall far behind.

It was patents.
America didn't really create much, but they did codify creating things.

america was settled by northern europeans and was basically like one giant germany with farmland and resources. You were blessed by your founding stock. That founding stock is being replaced by nigs and latinos so creativity is drying up.

A. Germans settlers

Oh yeah, the RPG and the TV are American inventions too.

>America didn't really create much, but they did codify creating things.
No, it's a lot more than just codifying it. And codifying things can launch a burst of creativity, as did codifying academia in Germany in the latter 1800s.

>americans didn't create much

Tell me you're non-white without telling me you're non-white.

White people using jewish intellectual property better than the jews can.

It has still fucked us royally because it is jewish.

and brits. Brits were remarkably productive as well.

I thought it was by Italians kek

The thing is americans pick and choose who is an American based on whether or not they would feel good taking vicarious pride in their achievements. European born Tesla? 100% American. Mexican born guy who mows your lawn? Foreigner. Canadian born guy who invented the Garand? Doesn't matter, American gun.

It's really silly to watch

This. The Smithsonian covered for the Wright Brothers who stole their plane design from a German. Institutions covered for invention thieves for national pride points.

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Because we took the world’s best minds and gave it a creative space that no other place on Earth ever did. Come here, do what you want, do your best. Simple, yet unprecedented. The results are the proof of its success. Now that we’ve fallen into the Late Roman Empiric Age, that time is over. It was a fun run.

>jewish intellectual property
Jews have never invented anything. They just steal from goyim.

>created the assembly line
>retard detected

America was and is a very rich country where intelligent immigrants immigrate to. That is why there are so much innovation.

mexican-americans literally call americans "foreigners". They dont consider themselves american and are part of a different racial and cultural matrix. Latin america and the united states were settled by different people with different identities.

>assembly line
Easier for banker-jews to exploit the working class.
>light bulb
Don’t care.
Hate flying.
>rock music

>mexican-americans literally call americans "foreigners"
There's no difference

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Only dickheads do that. If you’re American, and you invented something useful, we don’t care of your race. Only dickheads split those hairs. Don’t judge all of us by the bad ones who have the loudest mouths. BTW, we give you credit for whatever you put as an additive into Tim Horton’s coffee. More addictive than crack cocaine.

it does explain why most of the world never ended up rich. Algeria or pakistan should be rich considering the huge amount of land and resources but both are joke countries because of the people that inhabit them.

America was successful because they were a giant english speaking scandinavian country basically.

If Japs settled a country the size of russia i can guarantee you that people would move there because it would be wealthier than other countries because japs are smart and diligent people.

maybe nowadays since americans are all shitskin goblinos but historically mexicans looked nothing like americans. The "white" mexicans were moroccans and sephardis and gypsies from spain while the "white" north americans were just displaced scandinavians coming over as "brits" (I am one such "blue blood") and german.

The difference in achievement is 100 percent racial.

and yet people left those shitholes to come to American to make inventions