I feel sorry for everyone who was into super heroes before the globohomo movies started. They are such a joke now...

I feel sorry for everyone who was into super heroes before the globohomo movies started. They are such a joke now, I can't even imagine being into them.

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Yeah. Because comic books were so much cooler. You've never had an original idea in your life.

Spider man looking dapper as always.

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I don't think they were. I always thought comic book heroes were pretty lame, especially American ones. But damn, could you imagine having them as a legitimate interest and THIS happens to them? Christ, I'd never let anyone know I was into them.

Based and Redskulled

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I like this scene because literally the only thing that makes him seem like a bad guy at all, is the fact that he's a menacing looking skull. Put a normal person in his place and it reads like a hero's inspirational speech.


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When i was a kid i thought spiderman was stepn fetch it.

american superheroes and popular media always reflected US foreign and internal policy for the most part.. what do you expect lol
there was a relative pause during the 90's, maybe starting in the late 80's a couple of years in after the year 2000 but that's long over. You had neoliberal optimism but at the same time some magnificent works showing a high level of cinism.
US embassies raise gay flags now what do you expect Superman to do?

kek absolutely great reference

Does anyone have that cringe inducing cartoon of the superheros bowing to medical staff? That was easily one of the most cringe things I'd ever seen.

I guess they have always been on the bleeding edge of State propaganda. Guess that's what they're there for.

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Super heroes were originally Jewish garbage in the beginning. The only era they were cool in was from the late 70s to the late 90s because Jews abandoned it as a media form. They reclaimed that once they realized the value they held in movie form.

Oh the irony when you realize half of the hospital deaths in my country are due to medical error and negligence at the hands of these glorified motel maids.

yeah at least the comics, and even when artistically the movies suck you can thank the chinese audience for them not being that gay for the moment

I've heard this before, but didn't really know whether to believe it or not. But after seeing the way they've gone and realizing that most of their creators were, in fact, Jewish, it seems clear. How disgusting to be a foreign agent making "America's heroes" just to shape what you want Americans to think.

Superhero comics were always shallow bullshit, even when they weren't about superpowered trannies and fat women who can fly. The only reason I read them was to see hot fit bitches wearing skimpy spandex outfits.

Honestly, superhero shit would be fucking dead if the MCU didn't take off.

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Superman is getting real tired of this globohomo pandering bullshit as well.

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>Honestly, superhero shit would be fucking dead if the MCU didn't take off.
This is God's honest truth. Growing up, I knew ONE guy that was into American comics. ONE. Anyone interested in comics that had taste read manga. Never understood why this guy took to "thooperherro" comics, as I called them, but he was very sheltered. Just before the MCU shit, I never heard ANYONE talk about American comics, ever. I thought they were going to fade into obscurity and I thought it was pretty natural, given how old and generally shallow they were anyways. I was actually relieved. And then they announced the MCU...