Most Latinos are Native Americans with an identity crisis

Most Latinos are Native Americans with an identity crisis.

>The vast maj. of "Latinos" outside of Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil are Injuns or mostly Injun. Genetically speaking, the future of "Latin" America is obviously going to be Indio. Most "mixed" Mexicans are just Native Americans with a drop of Med blood.

>"Latin" American media has an obsession with showing their people as light haired light eyed Europeans, similar to how Japanese animated media shows Japs as European-looking.

>"Latin" America was a huge blunder by horny lonely Iberian men who just HAD TO POUND INJUN POON NOW because doordashing a wife from back home in Spain was too slow, and nofap was just too difficult. Once "Latin" America embraces its Aztec heritage, the world can heal from the gayness of racemixing.

Prove me wrong

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Oy vey, talk about identity crisis! Thank you for your opinion rabbi cockbiter, oh whoops, meant Mr (insert non cock biter name here and infiltrate).


Seriously. Many Argentinians are 100% European descent.

>The vast maj. of "Latinos" outside of Argentina, Uruguay and southern Brazil are Injuns or mostly Injun. Genetically speaking, the future of "Latin" America is obviously going to be Indio. Most "mixed" Mexicans are just Native Americans with a drop of Med blood.
There have been studies about the genetic makeup of latin americans, and they are around 50% indian 50% spaniard (depending on the region this varies, obviously) so it is not just "a drop of med blood"

>"Latin" America was a huge blunder by horny lonely Iberian men who just HAD TO POUND INJUN POON NOW because doordashing a wife from back home in Spain was too slow, and nofap was just too difficult. Once "Latin" America embraces its Aztec heritage, the world can heal from the gayness of racemixing.

Most of the european admixture comes from immigrants, not conquistadors. And most of Latin America has very little connection with the aztecs, including Mexicans (the current aztec nationalism comes from the fact that politicians in the 1920's decided to make them the face of the nation, mostly because of the location of the capital city)
>"Latin" American media has an obsession with showing their people as light haired light eyed Europeans, similar to how Japanese animated media shows Japs as European-looking.

Latin American media has been dying for decades and nobody really watches it or cares too much about it. And while white people are overrepresented, mestizos and indians have never been absent.

Argentinians have more amerindian blood than Brazilians (although Brazilians have more African blood, in general)

I tend to agree with you when you talk about places where the natives were very advanced and weren’t replaced (such as Mexico, Bolivia and Peru)

For the places where the natives were replaced such as Argentina and Brazil (countries that have pockets of original population but they are insignificant when compared to the total population) the only rational way to deal with the identity crisis is by embracing the “muttness”.

so what fren lol

Op btfo

Native American power!

Latins ausrotten!!

And Venezuelans, and Colombians and Mexicans
Your fixation on those countries was absolutely retarded and obviously too specific for not being biased.
Whole point is moot, shit thread.

Go home latin boi. I'm a 90% native man


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>Argentinians have more amerindian blood than Brazilians
Not enough



I'm a 90% native man. "Latin" America is my racial homeland.

>Latin Americans are mixed race and mostly native blood

Retard the entire Latin American experience is all about this exact thing. These countries are also some of the most white supremecist countries on earth.

Read some books, lurk moar and go the fuck back niggerfaggot. Sage

I'm a proud Indio man.

See . Evo Morales is leading a Native American National Socialist revolution. Seethe.

it's true we ran the faggot spanish right out of here and we'll do it again to any other european that tries to give us lip

>let me tell you about maxicans.
Tell me about white people instead. There are like 30 different kinds

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