Anyone got more webms of this legends?

Anyone got more webms of this legends?
I feel like they are the spirit animal of /pol
If /pol was a person

Attached: 1653247450777.webm (550x542, 2.87M)

Other urls found in this thread:

Their American counterparts

Attached: 1641853662331.webm (720x900, 2.1M)

Anyone got the similar looking gentlemen with a rat tied to string?


Attached: 1612612514459.webm (360x640, 1.95M)

Holy shit, the big necked nigger is REAL.

lol i remember doing the same thing with pokerface when i was 12

All that can possibly be done about these fucking units is to put them on an indoor excercise farm with 2 tiers.

You start by working on an exercise bike, you produce watts and eat grain until you die. Or you farm wheat, you eat as much wheat as you can, processing is not allowed.

The fact thatnutrients are apparantly essential will be worked out as soon as possible don't even worry about it. It's calories to watts and light bulbs are not cheap!

Who the fuck had you do that?

drop that memeflag, zigger.

Attached: 1616595491898.webm (1280x720, 2.7M)

Look up 'Oleg Mongol' on tiktok

Attached: 1646412077537.webm (480x852, 2.95M)

So it looks like thickneck can tank a punch but not squat a plate and a half. Or a heavy push.

I wanna see more if whatever this is. Keep these memes goin!

Now that's some shit!

You're a girl right?

Attached: 1628544788655.webm (576x692, 2.96M)

Only politicians on tightropes doing peculiar activities by their own volition.

Is that Putin?

Wtf is that 0 chest i see hes retarded and his legs are like noodles and this is a joke but i do not understand. More memes pls i wish to extrapolate.

Absolutely BASED

Attached: MV5BMTMxMzY5OTQwNV5BMl5BanBnXkFtZTYwMTcyOTE2._V1_UY1200_CR77,0,630,1200_AL_.jpg (630x1200, 47.55K)

>when i was 12

Attached: 1648262585305.jpg (243x195, 13.3K)

Oleg Mongol isn't even ethnically Russian , he's one of those asiatic minority people's

Also he's and alcoholic and the whole thing is sad.
They should get.sober not fuel addiction with newfound jewtube riches

Attached: 1653073542829.jpg (471x388, 94.25K)

I wish I had friends.

Attached: 1615462905108.webm (354x546, 2.15M)

hahaha krokodil Nosferatu is the best of the trio!!!