Why do women do this?

It’s as if nudity is their only form of protesting.

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> her tramp stamp says “scum”



so powerful

>look at me
>look at me
>this is about Ukraine

I mean I'm pretty sure everyone there is already anti-rape.
I'm also pretty sure telling Rapists not to rape you is what makes the following sexual encounter rape.

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Wtf I love rape now

they should tape those bags down to keep them from flying off desu

Heckin empowered menstrual-bodyrinos btfo'ing chudcels in their face. It's 202X dude come on

I bet she wants to get raped bu no1 wants to rape her
Many such cases!

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This is now a Memri thread.

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Fucking would

I thought you fags told me women love being raped?

Why are we at war with middle Easterners? They're our people

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They seek attention.
The one individual that did this was particularly lonely, she couldn't hold it down anymore, women....

Shouldn’t she be protesting in Russia instead? The fuck are these celebrities with massive egos suppose to do? Women can’t seem to use their brains

More based than the average white person residing in the UK or France or what have you.

>Hates faggots
>Hates Communists
>Hates Jews

>Loves God
>Loves Country
>Loves guns
>Agrarian free range lifestyles

Name a more based people?

>Why do women do this?
its not women. its feminists. they want to get raped literally and they are begging for it. why do you think they want to import all the niggers in? because whites stopped raping

there's your answer

Did she shit in her underwear?

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Why don't men do this? Why doesn't a huge group of men just show up somewhere and wave their dicks around everywhere? WHY DOESN'T THIS HAPPEN?!?!! Makes you wonder. Anyway, really looking forward to the pride month parades this year.

would rather get raped than killed like the MALE soldiers there, rape is seriously a first world problem once you're at war in which MEN are the first and final victims..

It's like they don't realise that nudity isn't a big deal anymore. No one cares. It has no impact.
If she set herself in fire on the red carpet then yes we care but tits? No.