Why can't Slavs unite into one super state?

Why can't Slavs unite into one super state?

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slavs are subhuman 2bh

we are not slavs

>Let me tell you who is white
Language barrier

Balkans deserve to be split between Turkey, Austria, Hungary, and Greece.

its all rightful german clay


we can't stop killing each other

Ah yes, the glorious slavic countries of hungary, romania, moldova, greece, baltics and finland, god I love my fellow slavic brothers

Finns aren't slavs.

In Eastern Europe everybody is a Slav.

Ohnnot to forget glorious slavic country of albania

Because everyone fucking hates each other. I bet you believe in pan africanism and that all Asians like each other. Dumbfuck.

Unironically all slavs except Greeks and Binlanders

And the zergs

Jews etc. etc.
Stop being in denial. Finno-ugrianbloodline is riddled with slav blood

it was called soviet union but jews ruled it, not slavs. slavs are bydlo who don't even rule their own countries.

>slavs are bydlo who don't even rule their own countries.
This. Slavs are basically under direct or indirect Germanic rule. You look at history of Bohemia, Croatia, Ruthenia and they are all created by Germanics. Then Germanics took over their economies and here we are.

Take your meds

Lmao idiot that's literally the point. Similar people groups are divided with superficial hate making them weak where working together in unity makes them stronger. Then the question asked is why don't they want to work together and be stronger?

Slavs are stubborn, especially South Slavs

Poland is holding the rest of the Slavs from uniting. Poland needs to be "denazified" so that Slavs can be united and so that it can be revealed that the prison camps on Polish soil are not death camps.

Attached: jews say.jpg (675x900, 136.79K)

Wtf? Croatia was an independent kingdom in the 10th century. We had nothing to do with the Germans until the 16th century, when the Croatian parliament elected the Habsburgs as kings of Croatia, which was a good move because they helped us in the wars against the Turks.

they did, and then they all starved to death

Never heard that before but ok.

Russians ruin everything