We don't actually hate ALL black people, do we?

We don't actually hate ALL black people, do we?

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No but I hate that pepe so fuck you nigger

If all black hate all black people and get in the way of even one white person then yes

No the blacks who stay in africa are fine

Yes you should hate people that would kill you if they could

i like animals but it's important to keep their population under control and avoid introducing them to other ecosystems

Its like this
I am sure that not every single lion would eat me
but its alot easier for me to just stay away from all lions.

IF they stay in Africa, I dont care with their existence. But they are not allowed to leave the containment zone.

Of course not. You get good black people who try their best to live normal lives and you get bad black people who just act like niggers.
Same with any race.

Its not hateful to be aware of violent crime statistics either.
South East Asian people are on avg higher IQ and commit less violent crime than whites. Does that mean its hateful towards whites to point that out? No.
Men commit more violent crime than women. Is it hateful towards men to point to that out? No.
Same logic applies to being redpilled on black demographics

no i only hate niggers

Attached: malcolm x quote.jpg (720x563, 109.11K)

Nope. I love dead niggers.

Niggers aren't humans

No. Some of them are dead.

No, just those who create trouble and are unwilling to behave like civilized humans

Mostly just the ones who want special privileges, and of course the violent ones, which leaves maybe 5% of black people.

jeremiah wright is pretty based

How do you stay so optimistic?

I don't, and I know most of Any Forums doesn't either, take everything you see here with a grain of salt as LARPing. Almost every user here would make an "exception" for a BASED BLACK MAN who's not niggerish and right wing. I don't hate black people, I just hate niggers, and unfortunately that consists of most of their race.

Big difference between blacks and niggers. Niggers make it worse for the blacks who actually give a fuck. There tired of the niggers too.

How many threads do you need to make about niggers?

there's no we on Any Forums you always only talk for yourself

There is a difference between individuals and groups. Blacks as a group are bad to be around even though there are good blacks. Unfortunately there is no way to have the good blacks without the bad blacks. All the peoples should be separated. That way each group only need deal with it's own bad apples without adding others bad apples as well as cross cultural friction.
No I don't hate every individual black person. I do hate the overall group of black people.

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This is the cowards way of being racist. Like there's some hope for them in your mind and it keeps making you feel shit and it's wrong because you're staying weak. Niggers will never not support their own color and you will never be free from them with this mindset.

That's as big a myth as the BBC maymay

I love Black men
>t. white girl

Low quality bait post

>Clarence Thomas
have to admit, more conservative than me
>expecting to see Thomas on front porch with shotgun taking on leftist protesters