Tucker Carlson should offer him a job

Tucker Carlson should offer him a job

Attached: Styxhexenhammer666-1.png (650x350, 305.21K)

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>I-I go on Any Forums for andysixx logs am I c-cool now bois?

Styx doesnt like corporate elites like tuck so he's not going to accept it anyway

Please we need more deradicalizers. Imagine if White people actually did something.

shut up

i know you're lurking here styx. kill yourself you insufferable faggot

>And joining us right now is a male witch, sticks and hammer...styxx thanks for coming on the show tonight.

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Styxhexenhammer666 is obsessed with free gaming laptops and devising schemes to fool people into send him enormous donations and weekly tithes for his "Salvation Laptop Fund" which he uses to buy more expensive gaming laptops. He's running a big scam operation to fool all of you into sending him your life savings to buy yourself a place on his so-called "Salvation Laptop". In reality Styx will just type your name onto a list which he saves as a Word document on his "magical" laptop, that's your "place of salvation". He will then use your money to buy himself even more expensive gaming laptops that he'll play on his luxury yacht and private jet while plotting to rule the world through his laptop scam.

Styx Laptop pledge drive:

>Petition to make Styx get a job

▶ Styx boasts about his "tech skills" but doesn't know how to transfer the data from his HDD
▶ Keeps replacing his microphones because the volume is always terrible (he doesn't know how to adjust it)
▶ He fails to properly install his Logitech peripherals on his other laptop and thinks they don't work simply because his other laptop is "too old" to work with Logitech software

Attached: pastor-styxhexenhammer666.jpg (1284x900, 154.86K)

I lost a lot of respect for him after seeing that last debate with Spencer, where he didn't even make a real argument or take it seriously. His whole argument was speculation about Richard's motives which isn't an argument at all.

they both gargle jew dick, makes sense op

What are his qualifications, accomplishments, accolades, professional experience and recognized areas of expertise, NPC?

yeah it was obnoxious. I even agreed with styx's position in the debate, but Spencer was super professional and brought good arguments while Styx was just calling him a fed over and over

Obsessed and seething. How long have you faggots been crying about him getting a laptop? 5 years? Holy shit you niggers are mentally ill.

What kind of job? Cleaning his pool?

shut up dicky you got BTFO and you’re irrelevant and gay anyway; stick to getting punched in the head

im watching him for the first time with dicky spencer and hes not that awful. i actually agree with a lot of what hes saying.

i still couldnt see myself watching this all the time, i have my own opinions. would never give these fucks money, im sure they all have more than i do.

Styx hates Tucker and all mediafags

This fucking faggot dude.... would it kill him to wear a shirt once in a while? 10 to 1 odds says he's a pedo.

Why? They're competitors.

Nah thats like you can't fire me cause I quit cope. He hasn't met a hand he wouldn't take a sheck from. They just ain't calling.

Styx is very loose on who he hates, he stopped hating jews when his money was threatened, I reckon if Fox offered him a big enough pile of cash he would take it.