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All thess threads are getting autosaged lmao.
Fuck jannies.

A based black man called Calvin Robison dropped this on semi-mainstream news (GBnews) yesterday so hopefully some people will wake up.

It's autosaged, you're right.
They're literally getting fucking autosaged, not a joke or conspiracy, they're getting autosaged.

This is fucking insane.

Spread the news is other threads user. Try popular generals like /britpol/, /chug/, /sg/ ect.

>Fun fact: The first Doctor treating a Monkeypox patient in Germany, Dr. Clemens Wendtner, is the SAME Doctor that treated the first Covid patient in Germany.

Aaaah man fuck

Do you have a telegram or discord? Let's spread this shit everywhere, I need help man

>spread fake faggotry about scamvid in 2019
>now tries with faggy monkeywhatever

Ok nigger.

they didn't fake anything
they accomplished all their goals

lol there is no monkeypox, retards
it's kaposi sarcoma from the vaccine induced AIDS

I hope you all are ready for more lockdowns and a push to get you to take a new round of vaccines.

Attached: FTXpB7BWUAAqzjO.jpg (1080x1468, 179.69K)

Just spread it round here. It'll leak out to the rest of the interwebz.

i am seriously starting to question reality itself

So it means that i'll return to working from home, based. Give me this reset

what did they accomplish?
If anything 4chin was one of the epicenters for the bullshit that spread fake news about how deadly covid was and fell for those fake chink vids in Early January 2020
I'm unvaxed and don't give a shit about any faggy virus.

Haha, Jews control everything goy even world wars,

Attached: map.jpg (1280x913, 452.7K)

only faggots are affected, not my problem (unlike OP)

And if it’s a Gain of Function version?
A mutated version after infecting someone with VAIDS?
Perhaps you should be reasonably cautious about a potential new threat until new information comes out?
Why are you trying to get people to dismiss this instantly?

just ordered my personal sarracenia purpurea plant.

cant find the extract anywhere in germany, only shit homopathic 1000x diluted kek


Attached: and-here-we-go-joker.gif (498x202, 2.15M)

So was this the plan. Gaslight the community so much that they get into a "anti-vax" state, when it was really a "anti-MNRA" state in attempt to steer you away from getting the small pox vaccine? They want to kill of the non-compliment.

Attached: smallpox.jpg (299x168, 5.3K)

>terror group origins
Gonna be white Christians blamed

What the heck is autosaged mean?

it basically means your post was shit

why take that extra leap and not just that the covid vaccine was actually a smallpox vaccine.

Attached: 1652978806945.jpg (667x2192, 1.71M)

nothingburger, nothing to see here, eat your bugs, go to sleep

That's the one. Thanks.

How can you tell if a thread is autosaged?

Why not just put monkeypox out first then? They can destroy the entire world with viruses if they wanted but there's rules to this. NEVER do what the system demands of you from here on out


Violence against government offcials is a highly underrated cure

>what did they accomplish?
-new world order power consolidation
-decimation of the middle class
-probably was also a test run for this