We Germans are the most dominant Europeans

One single German is stronger than 10000 Americans. We Germans are the prime stallions, the high elves of the white race. The day will come when we GERMANS will rule over the world again.
The earth will rumble and over the sky the will fly the German bull. From all directions of the earth you will resemble the strong Germanic tongue:


Attached: DEUTSCHER_LION.png (490x399, 271.08K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Attached: PolishAustrianWar.png (367x837, 243.97K)

>We Germans are the most dominant Europeans
Okay, cuckboi.

Attached: germs.png (846x573, 581.21K)

>be austrian
>chimp out
>start ww1
>we dindu nuffin we good boiis and shiieeet
>chimp out again
>start ww2
>fuck over europe forever

Attached: innocent austrian.jpg (190x215, 13.58K)

calm down mehmet bin otzi your time has passed

Whatever remains of g*rms in Germany is literally going to starve and freeze to death come winter. You LOST.

>loser every war

And if we buttfucked germans means Russians are the superior master ethnicity?

Attached: 95784969.jpg (1012x664, 87.28K)

What's up with Germans and their blood compelling them to destroy civilization at least once per Era? It's very weird. Savages.

Now tell me what happened just a few years later?

You had your shot and you came close but you blew it. Now you're all willfully giving up your women to brown phallus. You lost.

I'll be honest with you. I'd be pretty happy if nazi ufos suddenly came out of Antarctica and destroyed globohomo and took over.

All that matters is white men would be in charge.

Yes, in the north. In the south there are those who buttfucked italians.

"Das Deutsch". Lern mal deine Muttersprache, Ösi.

>One single German is stronger than 10000 Americans

Attached: German transgender army.jpg (720x1560, 524.2K)

You are quite literally most boring people on a planet and you wont exist in 10-15 years.Everything you just said weathers itrs rue or not, wont matter.
Same goes for France.

you mean few years before

Die Deutsche Sprache ist das Deutsch Du ungebildeter Schweinskopf.

Attached: DEUTSCHER_GRIFF.jpg (1944x2592, 1.61M)

Attached: 1517863128922.jpg (736x596, 60.95K)

>dominant European
That's like saying "smartest retard"

Attached: 1627547227440.jpg (1536x2048, 470.22K)

Our peoples like Beer, Weissbrot, castles and consonant clusters. Poles and Germans should be friends.

There are more pure Germans in America than Germany, asshole. That's what happens when you lose every war.

Attached: sim3.jpg (960x960, 226.8K)

Ähm, nein. Es heisst "das Deutsche", nicht "das Deutsch". Bringen die euch auf der Alm gar nichts mehr bei?

yooo that thing looks manlier than the man. Image that going on a rampage.

shut the fuck up chink eggroll

You call that "pure German"?

Stfu, modern europe is fill with shitskin, cope harder.

Attached: 1523607743911.jpg (1200x1443, 667.83K)


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