Is this your strategy /pol?

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>Men have to hide the fact that they think infanticide is bad
Allowing women to read was a mistake.

I never have this problem, but then again I exclusively date black women. They are generally conservative and share my views.

wow youre stupid lady

Yes, I will lie to you to fuck, because you are a gatekeeper of sex that locks up for the most inane reasons, forcing me to resort to cutting corners. Your opinions and feelings are irrelevant to me, as none of them are based on logic and hard truths.

Women are brainwashed by the media
It's better to not get involved with political discussions with them, they will just break out into hysterics and regurgitate CNN nonsense

>Have opinions but wouldn't die over them, don't mind discussing them
>Retarded women REEEEEEEE about shit that will either never affect them or their tribalist nature makes it so they must defend a retarded person they know that benefits from bad policy
>Challenging their ideas in any way makes them go fucking nuclear when you are simply talking.
Women can't handle political discussion.

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Based, i keep trying with Latinas

>talking politics with women

Everybody hides stuff from their potential mates.
That's why you date before marriage

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And women lie about their body counts. What's good for the goose...

Republican in Philly here. These women will talk about abortion rights non stop and then if you offer any type of restrictions they lose their shit. Dated an Irish girl for a bit during the time they were decriminalizing abortion and it was like talking to a wall. At least she split the bill unlike these other empowered whores

> unironic trump gif
You have to go back to facebook.

This. Discussing politics with women is a waste of time, they'll believe whatever the highest authoritative figure around them tells them anyway, you won't ever convince them with rational argument.

This is the only way.
Shes actually pissed because her single friends got pounded by chads and now dont give a fuck about her crazy single women feminism rants and starting to mirror chads view.

i always forget how many unironic incels come here
says the guy on Any Forums, the origin of Qanon, so no brainwashing or wrong info at all!

Discussing politics before having sex is a bad idea overall.

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>i always forget how many unironic incels come here
>says the guy on Any Forums, the origin of Qanon, so no brainwashing or wrong info at all!

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>Hiding normal political beliefs until you're able to have an actual conversation with somebody
If anyone wants to talk politics upfront and they start spouting [current thing] or offer you empty platitudes it's probably best not to engage in any kind of relationship with them.

i tell them I'm a socialist and they aren't smart enough to ask which kind

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I'm apolitical so far as that I hate most politicians and if they were eaten alive by wild dogs I'd cheer for the dogs.

On the contrary. Openly displayed national socialist views, even have a Hitler portrait in my hallway.
Liberal bitches do mental gymnastics and interpret this as 'open minded' and 'thoughtfull'.
The key on this is literally looks and hormones.

1.5 gallons of water every day.
100 pushups in 4 sets of 25 every day.
Groom yourself, don't smell bad.

3 Monty of this and you are on track, 3 years if this and you are Chad.

Start with 10 push ups by 5 sets if need be, add some pull ups if possible, increase on a monthly basis if you can.

It's literally that easy.

Does wonders for your mental health too.

Post tits with timestamp, or gtfo.

4/10 joke

Aye lmao, if you ever had sex in your life, it was probably validating some fat or ugly woman, whos delusions you fuel.

this is the real answer. when you fuck, the chemical changes mean that woman will conform to your worldview, and in turn, you will want to protect her more. hook up culture and feminism were deliberately created to interrupt this mechanism.

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Nope I just got a tradwhale milf who loves you listen to me talk about politics

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ha. yeah I act apolitical and slowly redpill her over the course of a long time. (assuming shes an ltr) I rarely talk politics with thots.

No legs ?

>Discussing politics with women

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Yes, I lie to women. About my politics, my job, my age, my name, everything.
And I'm proud of it

Based ad truthpilled

Ok, blond eye brows just look effeminate, YOU may have to lie for pity ducks, Sven

women lie about their partner count
men lie about their beliefs

Thank you. Finally someone says it.

if I tell you that I am apolitical, it's because I consider you too dumb to argue politics and your opinion to be worthless.
what is the point of arguing politics with someone whose understanding of the topics exhausts itself in parroting some headlines with religious zeal, despite not even having read the articles beneath them?

>muh Q
I don't give a shit about that nonsense, that was all boomer dipshits

what the fuck does "spouting bigoted garbage" even mean. it tells jack shit and already makes you look disingenuous or just a brainlet. someone saying something you dislike doesn't automatically make it political and doesn't mean they lied about not giving a shit about politics. not caring about the red team vs blue team kindergarten circus doesn't mean you're not allowed to have opinions

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I walk a lot and i went hiking a lot as a kid. I really don't have to do anything with my legs.
But i suppose you're right - ride a bike uphill 3 times a week. . .
But that's for esthetics only, women fall for arms and shoulders.

No it just means women are going after and attracting beta males lol

that, too.
they simply cannot discuss politics. they see any disagreement with their stated position as a direct attack on their own person.

there is no reason to do "leg day"
women never look at your legs
If you are gay though, it will give you a comically large brapper

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Admittedly i just tell people my politics are and i quote, "i hope everyone dies"

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Nah, he's just one of the ones who had to hide his politics from his wife for a while.

Guys on Bumble are pathetic liars? Wow who could've predicted that...


based kween breeder

Women like asses too bro

How do you discuss politics with a woman or anyone for that matter.
Most of the time it's just going to be whatever the telly told them.

I don't talk politics till after I've fucked them. Because I don't care what they think then.

My Filipina wife knows how I feel about niggers, I make it very clear in the future niggers are going to be a big problem and she doesn't really care but not against my views. I don't redpill her on jews because she's too simple.

/uhg/ shill working overtime


>Literally a subreddit named after female biology, officiously includes men in dresses as ‘women’ and excludes the actual women who disagree.

I have a theory that by 2060, all men and women would be distanced due to political polarization as feminism splits one's ideology into liberalism rather than conservatism given that feminism is a slippery slope where you are bound to be pushed to extremism after gamergate.

Women don't - i mean - refuse to reproduce and abortions are still being done in the shadows. Men who seek for traditional values will be left unsatisfied and suicide rates on both sexes will rise exponentially. Unhappiness reaches as high as inflation rates and white demographics are basically involuntary celibates. The jews celebrate their plan as they become majority of the world population and enslavement of the innocent cattles

> observes there are incels here
Omg what a shill

All jewish ideologies teach that shit - christianity, communism, now this. Intent is to create atomized society which is divided against itself on basis of ultimately irrelevant subjects, and it seems to be working on peoples who are not smart enough to understand that government and its politica are NEVER your friends, such as you, Captain Sweden.

However, normalfags do not understand such things, so you indeed should not talk to normalfags about political subjects unless you are proficient in handling them in a way that doesn't scare them off.

How many conservatives fell for Qanon? Now, how many liberals fell for Russiagate? Take your time and use both of your average womanly iq digits.

Oligarchs have politicized gender.


Are there a lot of jews in the Philippines? How is life there my bro? Is it true that they just whack people who use or or sell drugs, no fucks given, or is it just some bullshit narrative from the western media?

>majority of the world population
Bruh, that's an over 6 billion die-off, they'll never surpass the chinks even with their upcoming demographic collapse, much less the poos

Every fucking guy with decent game knows you don't talk about religion or fucking politics with a woman your trying to fuck. It certainly does not lead to you getting in their pants...

>Allowing women to read was a mistake.
allowing non clergy to read was a mistake

I love you guys so much

This only happens assuming the current system continues. If some sort of localized collapse happens Feminism as a mind-virus can be eradicated. We will probably have to start burning witches again at some point though when it resurfaces.

Watch intro:

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The men were actually apolitical and not Any Forumsacks but the REEEdditor thinks her retarded politics are what normies think.

Which one actually started a cult around it?
I assume you don't actually have any numbers tho for the original question, but I'm sure you _feel_ that it's one way