Most of Any Forums boards side with Ukraine

>most of Any Forums boards side with Ukraine
>even in this place, with vatnik shills running rampant , the ratio of Russia supporters is 50:50 at best

What went wrong?

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Unless you're a Ukrainian, Russian or Baltic then you should not feel like you have a horse in this race. You've been conditioned by this media or this board. The outcome of this was has zero implications to everyone else.

>Gee what are bots?

>Twitter is fake, no wayyyy

You are here

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The other boards don't talk or really focus on geopolitics. They hear to what the mainstream is saying, so support is not surprise. When people actually pay attention to the geopolitical situation. i.e. be on Any Forums. The support is 50/50. On top of that half the supporters here are probably glowies. When What went wrong with the global order?

You seem to forget the "dont give a fuck" ppl that are tired of being tied into government larps

>the ratio of Russia supporters is 50:50 at best
The ratio of losses in Ukraine is currently 10:1
But hey, keep telling us the Russians are losing.

I love phrases like 'according to western media' and 'Ukraine says' It lets me know whatever I'm about to read is likely utter bullshit.

Attached: this.gif (300x186, 445.96K)

It's team kike vs team yid
Only NPCs need to pick and support a side

The CIA has a 300 million dollar budget to spread anti-Russian and pro-Ukraine propaganda.

Actually it does.
If Russia would get away with it with no consequences then world stability would be undermined by setting a new trend on how to do politics alone.

the outcome of this war really only matters to the people living in those areas the battle was fought, but the geopolitical outcome of this was determined a definitive russian loss basically at the start of the war

It's because Russians are truly deserving of hate. There is no redeeming qualities about them. They thrive on violence and rape and death. Deep down all Russians know they are filth as well. They know they are nothing better than disgusting orc creatures.

>What went wrong?
It's a battle that has no win state. Even if Russia manages to take over 100% of Ukraine, they have still lost the respect of the entire world, they permanently fucked all trade deals with the entire west, their economy is in shambles, they have been exposed as being North Korea 2.0, etc.

Putin is literally sacrificing his entire country, and the people in it, in some dumbass attempt at trying to inflate his own ego. Russia deserves new leadership ASAP, so they can attempt to move out of the 90s.

>Fuel price rocketing
>supply chain disruptions
He don't worry aboudid, goy. It's a world away

Who even cares? You supporting or not supporting Ukraine will not affect the outcome of the war in even the smallest way.

If you exclusively side against Russia you're a bluepilled retard and dont belong here.
The best take is that both sides are being retarded, one for being globohomo, the other for playing their games and not making any decisive maneuvers to end the madness.

Then what the fuck you are doing here?

Any Forums figured out a long time ago to do the opposite of what jews say. The mentality is that "if Soros is for it then I'm against it".
Yes, Zelensky is a globohomo jew and so is his prime minister but Ukrainians arent fighting for Zelensky and trans rights - they are defending their soil against armed foreign invasion.
Russia has always been evil. Their architecture is alien. They murdered Anastasia. Holodomor. Holohoax creation/perpetuation. Just because the wall came down doesn't mean the leopard changed its spots. Fuck kgb Putin and fuck Russia.

>most of Any Forums boards side with Ukraine
>even in this place, with vatnik shills running rampant , the ratio of Russia supporters is 50:50 at best
The government really really wants you to support Ukraine.

To look down on my inferiors.

I support russian people and ukrainien people not their kikes leaders, same with USA.
We dont hâve an horse in this race, white people fighting each other is bad news.

he dont want to become a pawn of globohomo.

I miss being 14 it was good times

>invade a country
>neighbouring countries gets flooded with refugees
No one cared about Ukraine when they were just having a civil war, but then the baboon just decides to invade.

I dont give a fuckabout ooookies.

But I dont want them in Nato or EU.

Fucking gypsies

>the geopolitical outcome of this was determined a definitive russian loss basically at the start of the war
How is the Ruble's exchange rate looking?

So now a military defeat is clear we still claim we won due to the PR win. Keep coping. The world doesn't revolve around the west anymore. Russia will find plenty of buyers in the east. Anything Russia needs, which isn't much, can be obtained from China.

Don’t worry, turkey is already in nato and they will be in EU sooner than Ukraine.

Fuck boches.