Daily Stormer Back Online

We’ve decided to do a bit of rebranding in order to keep up with the times.

We are changing the name of our site from “Daily Stormer” to “Stormer Daily” in order to… keep up with the times.

Our new official domain is at:

If you’re on Tor, please share that with everyone you know so everyone knows it.

This site IS NOT associated with the government of Rwanda in any way.

However, we will be doing some cultural articles about the cultures of Rwanda in order to inform people about those cultures, in honor of our domain name.

I also may do a trip to Rwanda in order to promote their tourism industry. I am currently checking into the quality of their internet.

They have some serious dancing going on in Rwanda, and I think some cross-marketing would be a good idea.

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hi agent smith. why are you wasting time shilling your gay honeypot instead of lifting weights you fat loser?

if anyone was paid for this they were paid too much

copied and pasted from tor site faggot

I used to love this site.
Have a bump.

Daily Stormer is rebranded Disinfowars for white nationalists and conning Anti-Zionists into believing a false narrative. Anglin refuses to address any criticism when it comes to Jews surrounding Russia and China.

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Your garbage kike propaganda isn't even worth a $20 ad investment. Fuck off irrelevant faggot.

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ITT: lots of jews

who invented that network again?


Ok queer.

I agree, sometimes i feel like daily stormer is a mocknews. They arent even white nationalists, they are just trolls.

>ok queer
i know you can't afford actual weights over there, but nothing is stopping you from using stones, tree trunks and similar fatty. being both poor and fat is like 10000x worse than being either by itself. you deserve a trophy!

nevertheless the site keeps getting taken down why? if the jews win this time around Anglin will hang just like Streicher.

Fuck off stormfag

>fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed fed

Fuck off, spic.

Have you killed any niggers. No, so shut up.

>Have you killed any niggers.
post nose moshe


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Kek nice TLD

the first 2 characters of my ID is sieg heil

you are fat and you are ugly and you can't prove otherwise