Does america really want to become a shithole like brazil?

does america really want to become a shithole like brazil?

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oh sweet summer child

one could argue that america is worse than brazil for at least brazilians admit their country is dog shit while americans are not very far from reaching brazil but still think they are the best

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The author played with this

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sounds like a great idea to me. ban interracial marriage IMMEDIATELY and disannul all the ones already formed


Libtards really argued slipper slope wasn't real for several decades and now they want to use it to control others lmao.

>think they are the best
We are the best. We founded anti-authoritarian philosophy and implemented it as the foundation of our Constitution.

ban it now faggits
show the world you're able to do something right in this god forsaken world you've created

I thought is was supposed to lead to slavery? I was looking forward to the slavery. Why can't we have slavery again?

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you are ruled by kikes like everyone else, you were never free and will never be so

If they cared about women they'd oppose interracial marriage due to the increase in domestic violence but they don't believe in statistics or women.

The supreme court cannot ban things by reviewing other things

You laugh but threatening to take away black cock from white women is truly how you start a war

Interracial marriage used to be illegal - that was the origin of marriage licenses.
Now that interracial marriage is legal there is no longer a need.
Roe vs Wade is in violation of the 10th amendment. Dumbfucks protesting its overturn are actually begging the feds to be more intrusive in their personal lives.

and they know this, hence this article. White women would unironically die for black cock

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>fixing degeneracy makes things bad, goy! You need interracial gay marriage!

if a bullet we’re heading for a bbc, they would use their own baby to stop the bullet

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thank God for high capacity magazines.

why is this the only sane post itt!?

Lmao no. It can leave interracial marriage up to the states. And so what? Why is everything so fucking sacred to these people.

You think she let them smash to fight racism?

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did they put it on their back because they knew black men would be behind their asses?

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