Let me get a qrd on monkey pox

Let me get a qrd on monkey pox

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Why cant they just pop the pimples?

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Soon I will be the smooth skin.

Its mousepox, not monkeypox.

gay nigger fucked a monkey
gay nigger fucked other gays
gays fuck other gays

Monkey pox is only caught from tip to tip contact

Monkey no fren no sex it

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Stop licking niggers' anuses and you will be safe user.

Nigger licking faggots deserve their fate!

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I guess niggers fucked monkeys, and now you have to have illicit sex with random men at a truck stop or gay bathhouse in order to catch it.

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and they want to fuck our children

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Feels good man, if you pop one of the boils it feels better than sex.

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monke-chan is going to kill all the fags

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all these niggers brown and they spreading pests like the black death

It's the new thing

You can make your skin sound like bubble wrap


this nigga look like he's a roasted bun with sesame seeds

This all seems very manufactured

the jews made it
literally, unironically, I'm not joking, look it up, made in israel, it's the jews fault as always

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It's literally just VAIDS causing previously unseen or confined diseases in more and more people as vaxxies' immune systems rot away. Monkeypox is a distraction.

It will only make things worse.

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do you want to touch that nigger?

just get the vaccinations and you'll have nothing to worry about.

Pfizer and Astrozeneca used monkey kidney cells that may or may not have been infected with the pox to speed up development of mRNA covid vaccines. But the monkey pox outbreak is from gays OP.

its nothing new

they spread aids hiv hepatitis b weil disease, niggerpox now and a lot of other

doubtful, but when you have poison ivy really bad and you put fairly hot water on it, there is a big histamine release or something. It's a buzz.

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yellow fever

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FDA approves a new vax in 2019
So don’t expect the tried and true vax from years pass, also;
per their own little war games the vax won’t work

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It's Gay Plague 2.0 only gays (and by extension blacks) need worry about it.

it's homopox v2.0