why are the jews such a big threat??

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Uh, purely economic factors

I read that as "treat" at first, haha


Im jewish, i live in my moms basement and have no job no girlfriend im fat at 22

Are you threatened by my existance yet?

I don't know either, Jews on their own never posed any threat to Poland, at most they were collaborators with occupying powers.

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Hey cut it with antisemitic remarks.


I'm super salty that they can't even leave comfy Nazis alone

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its funny cause poland is the whitest country in europe today

what's the difference? ashkenazi jews are white, they are genetically closest to italians

It's a long story, but in short: When Jews rejected Christ they also rejected God completely, which made them an easy target for counter-Traditional influences. In other words, Jews are guided by an evil force that is determined to invert the values of our Father.

Every population has a percentage of psychopaths. Jews have been whittled down through various pogroms and it's likely psychopaths such as Soros have survived many times by turning on their own people. These creatures then become pillars and have outsized influence on the culture of the resulting tightly knit community of rats. Added to which these rats then proceed to mutilate their own boys, who grow up under the influence of the Soros' Add in a predisposition toward schizophrenia, a book proclaiming them as the chosen people and every dumb yank on the planet wanting to suck their cock and you have the modern jew.

italians are not slavs this is my mom and her brother both pure ashkenazi do they look like pls to you?

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this is why

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learn to read nigga, I said that you're white just like Italians, not that you look 100% Polish

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my car has a flat tire dam it its the jews
were white semites not slavs all of us have our differences and they should be preserved mixing with you whites to me is only slightly better than mixing with niggers, a place for every kind and every kind in its place

gentile whites

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> why are Jews such a big threat
Ask yourself why they aren’t such a big threat and see where you get.

don't worry, no woman will ever want you Any Forums loser, so there's no threat of mixing

plenty of gentile woman have thrown themselves at me but i have no desire to fuck a goya I want my kids to be jews

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