Why does the mere mention of the name "Italy" or "Italians" cause massive seething on this board?

Is it inferiority complex? Insecurity? Jealousy?

Attached: Italy.png (1862x1126, 2.87M)

nobody cares about your pasta ass

Rude, fpwp.

Jealous. All you Romance Language niggers bow down.

Checked OP

t. Sicilian mutt.

Based very distant brother.

Italians are too based to be contained. Their mere presence causes massive amounts of seething from the descendants of those who tasted the Roman boot.

>those who tasted the Roman boot
You mean like bongs?

What are italian women like in comparison to other med women?

Checked. My wife is a Italian and her pussy tastes like marinara sauce.

Indeed, that could be a good explanation.
Do not be rude.


user below you answered already

What makes you think that Brits are ashamed of being conquered by Rome? Does the Earth feel shame for orbiting the Sun? From Rome, we derive our own greatness.

Niggers. You know exactly what that means.

Always wondered why Europeans who got conquered by Rome overall felt gratitude and admiration towards it (to the point of self-identification, even), despite Rome massacring countless people in its conquests, while negroes who got conquered by later European colonial powers (despite the number of deaths being minimal and the benefits even greater in terms of technology imported) are still seething and crying about it 24/7

Attached: Anglo.png (1500x1500, 2.41M)

Digits confirm based as fuck

what accomplishments does italy have since 1700?

when I was in italy it honestly felt like I was the whitest person around in a sea of arabs

Volta Galvani Marconi Meucci Fermi Majorana first military use of aviation rad Bersanti-Matteucci engine nitrogliceryn etc.

no one is seething i like italians but i also like calling them niggers

>when I was in italy it honestly felt like I was the whitest person around in a sea of arabs

Attached: el canadANO.png (1946x986, 739.55K)

yeah canada is multiethnic

but italy is supposedly white when in reality it's basically the same as when I was in turkey

I'd say from my time in rome, it was ~40% whites, 50% arab passing """whites""" and the rest were niggers/pajeets

>yeah canada is multiethnic
>but italy is supposedly white when in reality it's basically the same as when I was in turkey
>I'd say from my time in rome, it was ~40% whites, 50% arab passing """whites""" and the rest were niggers/pajeets

Attached: 1512833856544.png (672x608, 57.53K)

I have no qualms with Italians. Albanians, on the other hand...

Check'd, but you're fucking retarded

This is only relevant if you're at AK engineering or math school or in Vancouver. The true blood of canada is 90% white but being rapidly replaced with faggots and kikes

You aren't special. Every flag gets shit on. You simply notice shit on Italians more because you are a garlic stinking pasta nigger. You fags really know your way around a tomato by the way.