Why do you deny Pizzagate

...When there is ample evidence to support it's truth? Pic related.

Also general pizzagate thread.

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pizzagate thread?
pizzagate thread.

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Pizzagate was a satanic ritual
without a doubt

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>organic tomatoes
I can only imagine...

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DC Police Chief on the right.

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I remember being shouted down by you idiots because I kept pointing out how retarded it was to think that a huge sex slavery network was centered around a public pizza parlor and not something like you know , a private island

Fucking morons

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lying is evidence of knowledge of guilt

>it can't be both

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pizzagate thread!

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Poor chester. His rapist father wasn't about to let him spill the beans.

None of you will believe me but Comet Ping Pong was a very popular place for drinks and live music in NW DC. In fact it was one of the few bars in the neighborhood that didn't close early. I used to go there as an AU fag and see cool local bands. You guys are just weird and mentally deranged.

I've read this one before very eye opening, and the fact she was found arrested the day after is just crazy

keep bump thread plz

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kys groomer, your days are numbered

Who did I groom? The zero children that hung around this hip college bar? Can any AU alumni back me up?

because it was investigated by both sides of the isle, including one retard who booted in doors looking for the basement (which didn't exist). Trafficking kids for sex is disgraceful, and sadly something that exists, but this ain't it.


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a simple search turns up results of pictures, videos, and events with and advertised for children. you mean you saw zero kids in a bar restaurant you specified was late at night? right. they already had them in the cages in the basement.

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Another email with alefantis mentioned

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