White Genocide / Replacement Thread

ITT we point to evidence of the Jewish conspiracy to replace whites by cucking our men and breeding our women with niggers.

Attached: hair.png (480x270, 85.62K)

Other urls found in this thread:

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/Great Replacement /

Attached: at_war.jpg (728x1021, 221.58K)

What's the deal with this bot running wild for years that posts anti-jewish and anti-democrat things? Sometimes it posts 5-6 messages in a row. When I search one particular of one of them I get over 30,000 results.

archive.4plebs.org/_/search/text/Great Replacement /

Is this not spamming?

Mods clean it up!

>by cucking our men and breeding our women with niggers.
You're approaching this issue in the most stupid way possible.

Thanks for the link, lots of good information in those threads!

I just deleted a webm with my little dark age playing in the background, showing the (((producers))) and race mixing couples and negrification of tv shows

Attached: 1650724747992m.jpg (1024x541, 56.99K)

>thinks roasty genetics are women
>cant figure out why he doesnt have a gf
stupid goyim

It's always male nigger with human woman, never the other way around.

show flags, kikes

peak clown world

Attached: 1652901349270.jpg (738x606, 68.98K)

White replacement is driven by mass migration, not interracial relationships. I'd contribute if you weren't such an idiot.

>whites by cucking our men and breeding our women with niggers.
Immigration is by far the main problem

no sound on pol but anons get the idea

naturally. they understand how biology works.

Attached: 1623116024268.webm (498x280, 2.4M)

Aren't they just importing tens of millions of South Americans? Lets see... 2020...
47 million Democrat voters imported.

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>I'm socially barred from reproducing

Attached: 8B5E16BD-2395-4226-ADEF-9561A05FC5B7.jpg (1280x720, 90.92K)

its not a conspiracy anymore. jews now openly call for replacement

And when whites notice and fight back the MSM carries out a "fact checker" beat down until every zog bot is programmed to think its a conspiracy.

I hate kikes so much. Western governments are completely correded now.

See OP? You're just opening yourself up to ridicule. Stop being stupid.

>I'm socially barred from reproducing
What the fuck does this even mean?

The claim that white people are socially barred from reproducing is hilariously stupid.

No one made that claim.

Read OP's post.

Nevermind. I already said he was an idiot. He's even more stupid than I expected. Almost as if he's pretending to believe in white replacement in order to mock the idea.

I suspect I'm right considering that this thread is the first time that pic has been posted.